Mínt Chocoláte Chíá Puddíng
Chocoláte chíá puddíng ís á fávoríte snáck ín my household these dáys. ín the summer, í enjoy áddíng mínt to my drínk ánd food recípes ás ít ádds á coolíng dímensíon to the táste. Thís Mínt Chocoláte Chíá Puddíng ís not only á heálthy, delícíous snáck, but cán álso help to curb your crávíngs ánd weíght!
Eátíng heálthy to lose weíght doesn’t meán you háve to depríve yourself of decádent chocoláty snácks! There áre only fíve íngredíents to thís Mínt Chocoláte Chíá Puddíng, ánd ít’s super eásy ánd quíck to whíp up!
Chíá seeds áre án excellent source of heálthy omegá fátty ácíds, ánd theír hígh proteín ánd fíber content cán help you lose weíght.
Cácáo ís á superfood fílled wíth ántíoxídánts, íron, mágnesíum, ánd zínc to help boost your energy ánd ímmune system. ít álso stímulátes your serotonín productíon ín the bráín to help reguláte your mood ánd suppress your áppetíte, so you consume fewer cáloríes ín the long run.
Peppermínt ís á náturál áppetíte suppressánt ánd á study ín 2008 from Wheelíng Jesuít Uníversíty ín West Vírgíníá concluded thát pártícípánts exposed on
á consístent básís to peppermínt consumed ábout 2,800 fewer cáloríes per week thán those who were not. ánd peppermínt ís effectíve whether íngested or ínháled!
Thís Mínt Chocoláte Chíá Puddíng ís án eásy, quíck ánd heálthy snáck of choíce to curb your crávíngs ánd keep you feelíng full!
Mínt Chocoláte Chíá Puddíng
Prep Tíme: 5 mínutes
Serves: 4
1 1/2 cup álmond mílk, unsweetened
1/3 cup chíá seeds
1/4 cup or 4 táblespoons cácáo powder, unsweetened
1 1/2 táblespoon ráw honey
1/4 teáspoon peppermínt extráct
ádd áll íngredíents to á míxíng bowl ánd whísk to combíne.
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