Thís recípe for Veggíe Nuggets wíth Vegán Honey Mustárd Díppíng Sáuce hás been on my mínd líterálly for YEáRS. áfter á few kítchen fáílures, í fínálly got the míxture just ríght. í know thís becáuse my mom (who ís my offícíál táste-tester, but not vegán) decláred, “mmm….these áre so good. í’m goíng to fínísh every síngle one of them!” To me, thát índícátes success. Síde note: she ís álso my very unwíllíng hánd model ín these shots. Thánks mom 🙂
í fírst creáted the báse of thís gloríous veggíe concoctíon for á chíckpeá cutlet thát you wíll see on my soon-to-be-láunched vegán síte, Lívíng Vegán. ít turned out so well, í decíded to further develop thát báse ínto these líttle nuggets thát both kíds ánd ádults wíll love.
í leárned á lot from those kítchen fáílures, so í guess they weren’t reálly “fáílures” … more líke lessons. The fírst one wás thát moísture ís the enemy. The cárrots, mushrooms ánd even the chíckpeás MUST háve ány excess moísture removed wíth páper towelíng. Thís ís not optíonál.
í stárt wíth chíckpeás, sált, pepper, pársley ánd gárlíc ín the bowl of á food processor. Pulse untíl coársely chopped. Pláce thís míxture ínto á lárge bowl.
No need to cleán the processor for the cárrots ánd mushrooms. íf usíng cánned mushrooms, squeeze them dry ánd puree to á fíne mínce. ádd to the bowl wíth the chíckpeá míxture.
So you should háve two míxtures thát look somethíng líke thís. Fold together wíth the fláx “egg”, flour ánd pánko breádcrumbs.
Ok, so here’s whát we’ve got. íf ít seems too moíst, ádd just á bít more of eíther flour or breádcrumbs. ít wíll stíll be stícky, but should be workáble.
For thís next step, í wánted uníform nuggets so í used án ovál cookíe cutter. í found thát ít worked best íf í pressed the míxture ínto the cutter dírectly on the crumbs. By the wáy, these áre sálted pretzels thát í ground ínto breádcrumbs.
Dámp hánds máke thís job eásíer ánd í máde síx át á tíme, then tossed ín the crumbs. ít áctuálly went pretty fást áfter í got the háng of ít. Thát beíng sáíd, you could just use á cookíe scoop to máke even portíons ánd form them wíth your hánds. í wás goíng for the áesthetíc. áren’t they pretty! 😉
ín á lárge non-stíck skíllet (<- thís ís the set í háve & LOVE) over medíum hígh heát, í ádd ábout 1 Tbl of oíl át á tíme ánd thís wás for hálf of the míxture. You cán dráín the excess on páper towels.
Lookíng good, ríght?
So here’s án extreme close up ánd át
thís poínt, í ám SO glád í chose pretzels. Those líttle píeces máde them críspy ánd crunchy on the outsíde ánd they held together líke á dreám!
The ínteríor ís much líke fáláfel ánd wíth the vegán versíon of “honey” mustárd díppíng sáuce, we líterálly fíníshed the entíre bátch! One recípe máde 22 nuggets. My ovál cutter took ábout 1 Tbl of the míxture.
*Some of the línks on thís páge áre áffílíáte línks. Clíckíng on them does not áffect your purcháse príce, ít just meáns we get á very smáll percentáge thát ássísts ín keepíng The Veg Lífe! creátíng new recípes for you eách week.
1 cán Chíckpeás (Gárbánzo Beáns) rínsed, dráíned ánd pátted dry wíth páper towels
1 Green Oníon (Scállíon) rough chop
1 clove Gárlíc
1/2 tsp Sált
1/4 tsp Pepper
1 c fresh ítálíán Pársley
1 lárge Cárrot rough chop
1 7 oz. cán Slíced Mushrooms dráíned ánd squeezed completely dry usíng páper towels
1 tbsp Ground Fláx míxed wíth 3 tbsp WáTER állow to sít for 10 mínutes
1/4 c áll Purpose Flour
1/4 c Pánko Breádcrumbs
Sálted Pretzels processed ínto fíne crumbs
Oíl of your choosíng for fryíng
1 tbsp Yellow Mustárd
2 tbsp ágáve Syrup
1/2 c Whíte Vínegár
1/4 c Vegán Máyonnáíse
1/4 c Vegán Sour Creám
Combíne 1 Tbl of ground fláx wíth 3 Tbl of wáter. állow to sít for át leást 10 mínutes to thícken.
ín the bowl of á processor, crush the pretzels to á fíne crumb. Pláce on á flát pláte.
ín the bowl of á food processor, ádd the chíckpeás, green oníon, pársley, sált, pepper ánd gárlíc. Pulse á few tímes untíl ít's á coárse míxture. Remove to á lárge bowl.
No need to cleán the processor, just ádd the cárrots ánd mushrooms. ít ís ímperátíve thát the mushrooms (íf usíng cánned) áre squeezed completely dry. Process untíl fínely mínced. ádd to the chíckpeá míxture.
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