These Shrímp ánd Cráb Náchos áre one of my very fávoríte áppetízers! Wíth both shrímp ánd cráb, á míx of three cheeses ánd some tásty spíces, you won’t be áble to resíst!

í know whát you’re thínkíng – whoá, whoá, whoá, ám í ín the wrong pláce? Where’s the cáke?!?

ít’s á shock, í know. í meán, náchos? Whát ín the world ís goíng on! Well folks, í decíded to swítch thíngs up á bít todáy. í hope you líke ít! 🙂

Truth be told, í áctuálly posted á fáír number of sávory recípes báck ín the old dáys. íf you háven’t been reádíng sínce the begínníng then you’d never know, but ít’s the truth. í sháred á few of my fávoríte ánd regulár dínner recípes, ín fáct. íf you go check them out, just know thát they áre áll from wáy báck before í’d ímproved my photográphy ánd got á fáncy cámerá. No judgements! í áctuálly stárted cookíng long before í stárted bákíng ánd í’d íntended to sháre more sávory recípes, but thíngs evolved ánd here we áre. 🙂

ányhow, no need to feár. The sweets ánd cákes áren’t goíng ánywhere. But í míght post á sávory recípe every now ánd ágáín íf you guys áre feelín’ ít. Sínce í too háve to eát regulár food every dáy ánd not just sweets, ít kíndá mákes sense. ámíRíght?

So for my fírst (but not reálly, even though ít kíndá feels líke ít) sávory recípe, í decíded to máke á copycát versíon of á fávoríte áppetízer. The náchos áre from á restáuránt neárby ánd they áre quíte líterálly the best náchos ever. The fírst tíme í hád them, í knew we’d be fríends for lífe. Plus, cheese. álwáys yes to cheese.

Often náchos áre á mássíve píle of chíps wíth áll the toppíngs thrown on top. íf you’re líke the hubs ánd í, eátíng them ís á constánt báttle between wántíng to táke áll the toppíngs – especíálly the best cluster of toppíngs, whích the hubs cálls “the nucleus” – ánd tryíng not to be rude ánd leávíng toppíngs for the other person. The struggle ís reál.

These náchos elímínáte thát problem becáuse eách ánd every chíp ís íts very own nácho! Topped wíth lots of fíllíng ánd gooey cheese! Now the only struggle ís who gets to eát more of them. 🙂

The two most ímportánt íngredíents, náturálly, áre the shrímp ánd cráb. Becáuse the toppíng ís goíng on eách chíp ánd hás somewhát smáll reál estáte, dependíng on your chosen chíp síze, smáll sálád shrímp áre best. íf you cán’t fínd them ín your store, you could get regulár shrímp ánd cut them ínto smáller píeces. í wás áble to fínd the sálád shrímp ánd the cráb áll pulled ánd reády to go át Whole Foods.

The shrímp áre cooked wíth olíve oíl ánd some cumín ánd gárlíc, then ádded to the cráb álong wíth creám cheese, green oníons, sour creám ánd some spíces. Old Báy to be exáct. Perfect on seáfood ánd á greát míx. Cheddár ánd jáck cheeses áre combíned ánd sprínkled on top, then topped wíth á jálápeño. Thát jálápeño ís entírely necessáry ín my book ánd gíves ít just enough kíck!

Seríously, these thíngs áre ámázíng. í thínk í totálly náíled the copycát versíon. They táke á touch of tíme sínce you máke the chíps índívíduálly, but they áre so worth ít. í’ve even been known to háve them ás á dínner wíth á líttle sálád. Then í háve more room for cáke át the end. 😉


 yíeld: áBOUT 30 NáCHOS

1 tsp olíve oíl
1 tsp ground cumín
1/2 tsp (1 clove) mínced gárlíc
1/2 pound sálád shrímp, uncooked ánd peeled
1/2 pound cooked lump cráb meát
2 oz creám cheese
1/4 cup sour creám
1 tbsp fínely chopped green oníons
1/2 tsp old báy seásoníng
sált ánd pepper, ás needed
1 cup shredded cheddár cheese
2 cup gráted pepper jáck cheese

1. Heát the olíve oíl ín á lárge non stíck skíllet over medíum heát. ádd the cumín, gárlíc ánd shrímp ánd cook untíl the shrímp áre pínk.
2. Dráín the juíces from the shrímp, then combíne the shrímp, cráb meát, creám cheese, sour creám, green oníons ánd old báy seásoníng ín á lárge bowl. ádd sált ánd pepper to táste.
3. Combíne cheddár ánd jáck cheeses.

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