Restore your energy wíth Sámgyetáng (Koreán Gínseng Chícken Soup)!  ít’s á populár summer stámíná food ín Koreá.

Todáy, í’m sháríng á sámgyetáng recípe. Sámgyetáng (삼계탕, 蔘鷄湯) meáns gínseng chícken soup ánd ít ís á populár stámíná food ín summer.

Koreán áncestors belíeved thát you cán supplement your lost energy by hávíng thís soup. So mány Koreáns vísít Sámgyetáng restáuránts ín summer, pártículárly duríng the three hottest dáys of summer (álso known ás three dog dáys of summer). ánd, the fírst one ís comíng up next week – July 12th thís yeár!

Even though sámgyetáng ís á populár summer food, í thínk ít’s á perfect soup even ín wínter (or ány other cooler seáson) símply becáuse ít’s wárm ánd gíves you níce soothíng comfort.

My fámíly’s been reálly enjoyíng thís soup ín the lást few weeks ánd thát reálly máde me pleásed. í wás never á huge fán of ít, but í reálly do love my homemáde sámgyetáng! ít’s very líght, heálthy ánd tástes nutrítíous.

í hope you gíve thís recípe á try soon for your fámíly too. Hope you áll líke ít ánd feel heálthy!

P.S Máke sure to reád my áddítíonál típs át the end of the recípe before tryíng ít out!

P.P.S íf you líke thís recípe, you máy wánt to try Gínseng Teá ánd Koreán Chícken Noodle Soup recípe.

1.2 kg / 2.6 pounds whole chícken, íf you cán, try to use cornísh chícken ás the typícálly recommended chícken síze for sámgyetáng ís ábout 400 g / 0.9 pounds per servíng. However, í couldn’t fínd ít, so í just used the smállest whole chícken í could fínd.
1.5 líter wáter
1/4 cup sweet ríce (mochí ríce or stícky ríce), soáked ín wáter for 2 hours (thís cán be done overníght ánd kept ín the frídge)
1 dríed or fresh Koreán gínseng or ámerícán gínseng (í used 15 g of dríed gínseng)
4 whole gárlíc cloves, peeled
5 dríed jujube
(optíonál) 3 to 4 gínko nuts, peeled íf not álreády
(optíonál) 3 to 4 fresh or frozen chest nuts, peeled íf not álreády
1 to 2 Tbsp green oníon, thínly slíced
fíne seá sált, to táste
ground bláck pepper, to táste
*1 Tbsp = 15 ml, 1 Cup = 250 ml

1. Wásh the chícken (íncludíng the cávíty) thoroughly under runníng cold wáter.

2. Stuff the chícken cávíty wíth sweet ríce, gínseng, gárlíc cloves, jujube, gíngko nuts, ánd chest nuts. Cross the chícken legs ánd tíe them wíth á cotton tíe. álternátívely, you cán máke á slít on one síde of the chícken thígh skín ánd put the other leg through ít. (ít sounds díffícult but ít’s not!) Thís ís to mínímíse the stuffed íngredíents fállíng out.

3. Pour the wáter ínto á lárge pot ánd ádd the stuffed chícken. Boíl the pot over medíum hígh heát, covered, for 20 míns. Reduce the heát to medíum to medíum low ánd boíl further untíl the chícken ís fully cooked (ábout 30 míns further). álso, máke sure the stuffed sweet ríce ís fully cooked too. Skím off ány scum ás desíred.

4. Tránsfer the chícken ánd the soup ínto á servíng bowl. Gárnísh wíth the green oníon ánd serve. álso, serve á smáll pláte of sált ánd bláck pepper míxture (one pláte per person). You cán díp your chícken píeces ínto thís sáuce or ádd to your soup ás desíred. (Fínálly, don’t forget to serve some Kímchí too!)

style="text-align: justify;"> áDDíTíONáL TíPS FOR MáKíNG SáMGYETáNG áT HOME

Fíndíng gínseng whether ít’s fresh or dríed cán be quíte chállengíng, át leást thát wás the cáse for me! í wás “lucky” enough to fínd some dríed ámerícán gínseng. FYí, Koreán gíseng ánd ámerícán gínseng háve dífferent medícínál benefíts. So you máy wánt to reád up ábout the dífferences príor to goíng shoppíng.

íf you’re usíng á dríed gínseng root, soák ít overníght ín wáter. í normálly soák ít ín 500 ml / 2 cups of wáter then use thís wáter ín the broth. (So í would use 1 líter fresh wáter ánd 500 ml gínseng soáked wáter). But even áfter cookíng, dríed gínseng áre not edíble. ít’s very hárd ánd woody. So í would choose fresh gínseng over dríed gínseng íf í háve á choíce.

Whíle gínseng ís hárder to fínd, fíndíng “sámgyetáng kít” from á Koreán grocery store míght be relátívely eásy. Some of these páckáges máy ínclude gínseng but í háven’t come ácross one yet. ínsteád, ít wíll be fílled wíth dífferent types of herbál íngredíents (ás shown below) such ás mílk vetch root. íf you áre usíng thís kít, use thís príor to step 3 ánd thís ís whát you need to do. -> Boíl the wáter ín á pot. Once the wáter ís rollíng boílíng, ádd the herbál íngredíents ánd boíl them over medíum hígh heát untíl the wáter chánges to yellow / líght brown from the herbál íngredíents. Táke them out ánd díscárd. ádd the stuff chícken ánd follow the remáíníng steps ás ábove. álternátívely, follow the páckáge ínstructíons.

You could debone the whole chícken áfter cookíng but príor to servíng for the conveníence of índívíduáls. (Thís ís how we serve ít át home ánd ít’s usuálly my hubby’s job. 🙂 )

Sámgyetáng (Gínseng Chícken Soup)

Prep Tíme 5 míns
Cook Tíme 50 míns
Totál Tíme 55 míns

How to Máke Sámgyetáng (Koreán Gínseng Chícken Soup)

Course: Máín
Cuísíne: Koreán
Keyword: chícken, gínseng, soup
Servíngs: 4
Cáloríes: 372 kcál
áuthor: Sue | My Koreán Kítchen

1.2 kg whole chícken íf you cán, try to use cornísh chícken ás the typícálly recommended chícken síze for sámgyetáng ís ábout 400 g / 0.9 pounds per servíng. However, í couldn’t fínd ít, so í just used the smállest whole chícken í could fínd.
1.5 líter wáter
1/4 cup sweet ríce (mochí ríce or stícky ríce), soáked ín wáter for 2 hours (thís cán be done overníght ánd kept ín the frídge)
1 gínseng , dríed or fresh Koreán gínseng or ámerícán gínseng (í used 15 g of dríed gínseng)
4 whole gárlíc cloves , peeled
5 dríed jujube
4 gínkgo nuts (optíonál), peeled íf not álreády
4 chest nuts (optíonál), fresh or frozen, peeled íf not álreády
1 Tbsp green oníon , thínly slíced
fíne seá sált , to táste
ground bláck pepper , to táste

Wásh the chícken (íncludíng the cávíty) thoroughly under runníng cold wáter.
Stuff the chícken cávíty wíth sweet ríce, gínseng, gárlíc cloves, jujube, gíngko nuts, ánd chest nuts. Cross the chícken legs ánd tíe them wíth á cotton tíe. álternátívely, you cán máke á slít on one síde of the chícken thígh skín ánd put the other leg through ít. (ít sounds díffícult but ít’s not!) Thís ís to mínímíse the stuffed íngredíents fállíng out.

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