Homemáde Red Beán Buns (Dou Shá Báo)

Homemáde Red Beán Buns (Dou Shá Báo)

Píllow soft steámed red beán buns(豆沙包) ís one of the most populár Chínese dessert. Those lovely ánd soft steámed buns áre so greát for breákfást. ín order to máke those sweet red beán buns, í máde sweet red beán páste fírstly. For the recípe ábout how to máke your own  red beán páste (eíther eásíly smáshed versíon ánd super smooth versíon), check ít here. íf you do not wánt to brother so much, sweet red beán páste for buns ís áváíláble ín mány ásíán stores.

Míx áll the íngredíents for the dough usíng low speed for 6-8 mínutes untíl smooth ánd elástíc. Shápe the dough ínto á báll ánd set ásíde ín wárm pláce for 1 hour or untíl double ín síze (the tíme needed ís very much dependíng on your room temperáture).

ádd áround 2 táblespoon of flour ín the dough ánd contínue kneádíng the dough for 2 mínutes át low speed ín á stánd míxer. Then tránsfer out ánd dívíde the dough ínto 6 or 8 portíons. Shápe eách portíon to á round báll. Then press ít to á wrápper wíth thín edges ánd thícker center. Pláce áround 1.5 táblespoon of red beán fíllíngs ín center.

Seál completely.

Turn the bun over ánd shápe ít ínto á dome. Repeát to fínísh the remáíníng buns.

í máke 6 thís tíme. Líne your steámer ánd pláce the buns one by one, wíth spáce ámong eách other. íf you prefer smáller ones, you cán máke 8 buns wíth those íngredíents.

Set up steámer, cover ánd rest for 15 mínutes. Stárt fíre ánd heát untíl boílíng. Contínue steám 18 too 20 mínutes. Stánd 5 mínutes before líftíng the líd.

Homemáde Red Beáns Buns

Prep tíme 1 hour 20 míns
Cook tíme 20 míns
Totál tíme 1 hour 40 míns

Homemáde Chínese Red Beán Buns wíth soft ánd slíghtly sweet surfáce. Háve one bíte, you wíll see the smooth sweet red beán páste ínsíde. ít ís á good ídeá to serve thís homemáde red beán buns wíth some mílk or soy mílk.

Serves: 16

200g red beán páste fíllíng
Wrápper300g áll purpose flour
40g sugár
1 ánd ½ tsp. sugár toleránt ínstánt yeást
150ml wárm wáter (or 180ml to 185ml wárm mílk), the best temperáture for líquíd ís áround 35 degree C.
1 tbsp. vegetáble oíl (corn oíl)
á tíny pínch of sált

ín á stánd míxer, pláce áll of the dough íngredíents ín ánd then kneád for 6-8 mínutes át slow speed.
Shápe the dough ínto á báll ánd set ásíde ín wárm pláce for 1 hour or untíl double ín síze (the tíme needed ís very much dependíng on your room temperáture).
ádd áround 2 táblespoon of flour ín the dough ánd contínue kneádíng the dough for 2 mínutes át low speed ín á stánd míxer.
Then tránsfer out ánd dívíde the dough ínto 6 or 8 portíons. Shápe eách portíon to á round báll. Press ít to á wrápper wíth thín edges ánd thícker center. Pláce áround 1.5 táblespoon of red beán fíllíngs ín center. Seál completely ánd turn over ánd shápe ít ínto á dome.

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