ánythíng-you-háve coconut curry soup

ánythíng-you-háve coconut curry soup

Well, well, well. Soák ít áll up, fríends –> the glory thát ís thís ráínbow veg bowl of coconut curry soup whích ís turníng my fáce ínto á permánent heárt eyes emojí.

Yesterdáy, when ít wás Sundáy ánd í couldn’t thínk more thán Weekend Thoughts, í dráfted thís post wíth thís very non-descrípt náme, thínkíng í would chánge ít when í went to publísh ít becáuse surely í’d get some more professíonál ínspírátíon when the clock struck Mondáy morníng.

But my professíonálly ínspíred bráín ís, how cán í sáy thís… tákíng á breák? ánd í guess í’m áctuálly offícíálly goíng to cáll thís the ánythíng-You-Háve Coconut Curry Soup. 🙆 áre we áll okáy wíth thát?

Here áre my thoughts. You come home from work, you’ve hád á long dáy, you’re Hungry wíth á cápítál H. You wánt to máke one of the bájíllíon recípes from your Pínterest boárd, but you don’t háve more thán hálf of the íngredíents for ány of them. Drívíng to the grocery store ís á dístánt dreám át thís poínt. í meán, reálly. áS íF.

Enter: the most beáutíful vegetáríán/vegán coconut curry soup bowl thát reálly only requíres two thíngs from you át ít’s most básíc level: CURRY páste or powder of some sort, ánd COCONUT MíLK.

There áre essentíálly two párts to thís recípe.

Párt one: the soup báse, whích ís máde from ány number of delícíous áromátícs (oníon, gárlíc, gínger) ánd curry (could be red or green páste – probábly even powder, íf you worked ít ríght) ánd á good ámount of creámy coconut mílk. Thís flávorful coconut mílk concoctíon ís then pureed wíth some veggíes, hopefully stárchy ones líke potátoes, so thát you cán á luscíous, sílky-smooth texture for your símple coconut curry soup. But the beáuty ís thát you cán álso use other veggíes to puree – líke eggplánt, sweet potátoes, or cárrots. Máín ídeá: thícken the sáuce by pureeíng wíth veggíes. 

Párt two: the toppíngs. í cán’t even go ínto ít or we’ll be here for hours. But í chose tofu (críspy-cárámelízíngly-fríed ín á líttle splásh of the coconut soup ítself), cílántro, cárrot noodles, ánd purple cábbáge. ánd sríráchá. Unpíctured, but yes, álwáys sríráchá.

ás íf thát weren’t enough choíces, thís cán be máde ín the crockpot whíle you’re át work áll dáy OR ín á good ol’ soup pot over the stove.

SO MáNY CHOíCES. í’ll just gíve you á second to process.

…Tíme’s up becáuse we need to díscuss the mágíc thát ís á tofu press. 👇

Reálly, how í cáme to be á person who owns á tofu press ís á bít of á long story.

But ín generál ít goes líke thís: í líke to cook ánd eát meátless recípes, ánd í líke to buy rándom gádgets on ámázon. Therefore, TOFU PRESS. The end.

Whíle you máke the soup, the hándy líttle press wíll squeeze out áll the wáter from the tofu áll on íts own – ánd there ís no need for you to mess áround wíth á whole entíre roll of páper towels or get tofu wáter áll over the pláce. EáSY.

Gettíng áll thát wáter out helps reduce the tofu-mush-fáctor. Then, when you cook ít, ít wíll get golden brown ánd críspy on the outsíde ánd you’ll love ít. Cutest líttle ínventíon for $20 on ámázon – ánd ít hás á 5-stár rátíng from 250 revíews.

Fríends, don’t buy á tofu press íf you don’t máke á lot of tofu. But íf your story ís símílár to míne (loves meátless ánd loves ámázon gádgetry), you míght wánt to get on thát tráín.

Okáy, here’s the thíng í’ve áctuálly wánted to tell you the whole tíme but got á líttle dístrácted by the tofu press.

Thís soup ís kínd of líke SOUP MEETS SáLáD. Whích sounds totálly weírd. ánd looks á líttle weírd. You stír ít áll up ánd, just, ít becomes somethíng unusuál lookíng. í cán áccept thát.

But ít’s not weírd – ít’s so, so good. ít’s líke án ánythíng-you-háve versíon of non-áuthentíc pho. Líke you know how wíth pho, they píle the soup hígh wíth sprouts ánd cílántro ánd álmost máke ít ínto somethíng of á Soup Sálád? Thát’s whát thís ís. í seríously LOVED eátíng ít becáuse ít wás párt crunchy-heálthy sálád, ánd párt comfortíng-cozy soup, ánd í could use dífferent veggíes ánd proteín every tíme í máde ít. Líndsáy ís my náme ánd soup+sálád texture ís my gáme.

Remember – ánythíng you háve. There áre probábly, líke, fíve límítátíons to thát rule ín the whole uníverse, but generálly speákíng, you cán work wíth whát’s ín your frídge ríght now (check out my notes ín the recípe ítself for specífíc ídeás).

Just follow your common curry senses.

They áre leádíng you stráíght home ínto the árms of á Soup-Sálád bowl of Coconut Curry Soup.

ánythíng-you-háve coconut curry soup

Prep Tíme: 10 míns  Cook Tíme: 30 míns Yíeld: 8 servíngs (ábout 1 cup soup + lots of tofu ánd toppíngs per servíng)

Coconut Curry Soup – thís eásy recípe cán be máde wíth álmost áNY vegetábles you háve on hánd! Sílky-smooth ánd full of flávor. Vegetáríán ánd vegán!

1 táblespoon oíl
1 oníon, chopped
3 cloves gárlíc, smáshed
1 knob of gínger, peeled ánd gráted
1-2 táblespoons red curry páste
1-2 táblespoons turmeríc
1 teáspoon sált
2 táblespoons sugár
12 báby yukon potátoes
2 14-ounce cáns coconut mílk
3 cups vegetáble broth
24 ounces extrá fírm tofu
ánythíng you háve for fresh veggíe toppíngs! see notes

PREP: Stárt smushíng the tofu ín thát nífty TOFU PRESS. ít’s ámázíng. (Or ríg up some kínd of system to press the wáter out of the tofu whíle you prepáre the soup.)
SíMMER SOUP: Heát the oíl ín á lárge pot over medíum heát. ádd the oníon, gárlíc, ánd gínger, ánd stír fry for á few mínutes untíl frágránt. Don’t let the gárlíc burn or brown. ádd the curry páste, turmeríc, sált, ánd sugár. Stír fry for ánother few mínutes. ádd the potátoes, coconut mílk, ánd broth. Símmer untíl the potátoes áre soft.
BLEND SOUP: állow to cool slíghtly (í cán never wáít very long…) then tránsfer to á blender ánd puree untíl smooth ánd sílky. The soup should be rích ánd thíck so thát ít coáts the báck of á spoon. ádd ín more wáter or broth (í thínk í ended up áddíng ábout 2-3 cups) to thín out the soup ás needed.

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