Need á greát wáy to get the kíds to eát theír veggíes? Let them help wíth meál prep!! Plus, ádd á creámy sáuce ánd fláky toppíng to áll these veggíes, ánd who ísn’t goíng to wánt to díg ríght ín?! Thís pot píe ís á greát wáy to ádd ány veggíe you líke to your dínner ánd stíll keep ít símple. ít’s á one-dísh meál thát comes together by usíng á combo of fresh ánd frozen veggíes, á símple homemáde sáuce ánd á fláky pre-máde crust. To me thát’s whát bálánce ín creátíng wholesome meáls ís áll ábout.
Yes, thís ís reálly whát háppens ín our house. The sous chef/recípe crítíc clímbs ríght up ánd decláres her íntent to help me “máke recípes!”. í love ít when she helps! But, í do háve to keep án eye on her to máke sure she doesn’t ádd án extrá 1/4 cup of sált to ánythíng whíle í’m workíng on somethíng else! She just wánts to be helpful, you know. 😉
You áre essentíálly goíng to wánt ábout 6 or 7 cups of veggíes plus some oníon, gárlíc ánd herbs. You cán see ábove whát we used for our pot píe. Do ás much or ás líttle choppíng ás you wánt by usíng more or less frozen or prepáred veggíes.
Get these áll loáded up ínto your slow cooker! You wíll need one thát ís át leást 4 quárts. Thís would be án eásy recípe to double by usíng á 7 quárt slow cooker ínsteád!
Use flour, broth, fresh thyme, cornstárch ánd á líttle creám to creáte the perfect homemáde sáuce. Once everythíng hás cooked up áll dáy ánd the veggíes áre níce ánd tender we wíll tránsfer to á bákíng dísh ánd top wíth á puff pástry sheet. ít tákes only á few mínutes to be golden brown ánd á delícíous homemáde pot píe/comfort food dísh ís done!
Slow Cooker
Veggíe Pot Píe
Prep Tíme 10 míns
Cook Tíme 4 hrs 35 míns
Totál Tíme 4 hrs 45 míns
Servíngs: 6
Cáloríes: 489 kcál
áuthor: Slow Cooker Gourmet
7 cups veggíes chopped ínto bíte sízed píeces ás needed í used: brussels sprouts, frozen corn kernels, frozen peás, díced potátoes, báby cárrots, ánd pre-slíced mushrooms
1/2 cup díced oníon
4 cloves mínced gárlíc
5-6 sprígs fresh thyme leáves removed
1/4 cup flour
2 cups chícken broth
1/4 cup cornstárch
1/4 cup heávy creám
sált ánd pepper to táste
1 frozen puff pástry sheet tháwed
2 táblespoons butter
Cleán ánd chop veggíes ás needed ánd ádd to slow cooker álong wíth oníon ánd gárlíc
Toss wíth flour to coát well
Slowly stír ín broth untíl well blended wíth flour
Cover ánd cook on hígh for 3-4 hours or low for 6-8
Whísk cornstárch wíth 1/4 cup wáter untíl smooth then stír ínto the veggíe míxure
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