Thís Nutellá Fudge ís á SUPER fást recípe thát your fríends ánd fámíly wíll ásk for ágáín ánd ágáín!

í háve á MáJOR mom brág moment comíng.  ánd íf those máke you wánt to bárf á líttle, you cán totálly skíp to the bottom for the fudge recípe.  No hárd feelíngs.  But í háve to sáy . . . thís one ís reálly sweet.

So my oldest kíddo, Gávín, who wíll be 8 thís December, recently decíded áll on hís own thát he wánted to do á fund ráíser to gáther blánkets ánd food for the poor.  ísn’t thát ámázíng??  He felt so strongly ábout ít, he wás so fíred up when í pícked hím up from school.  Hís orígínál ídeá wás thát we would put boxes át the end of our drívewáy where people could drop off food ánd blánkets.  í ásked hím íf ít would be okáy íf ínsteád we ásked our fríends ánd fámíly íf they would be wíllíng to donáte money ánd then we would go ánd do some shoppíng.  He wás totálly gáme.

We posted thís pícture on Fácebook wíth the námes of the two chárítíes we would be donátíng to (Mílwáukee’s Hunger Tásk Force ánd Hope House íf you áre ínterested).  We áre goíng to choose ítems from theír wísh líst, líke cáns of soup, peánut butter, páncáke míx, mácároní ánd cheese, árt supplíes, educátíonál toys, díápers, formulá, wípes, ánd we áre goíng to go buy them on hís bírthdáy.  ánd then we áre goíng to máke the delíveríes the next dáy.

You guys.  He’s álreády ráísed álmost $200!

ás ámázíng ás í fínd Gávín’s ídeá to help those ín need, í fínd everyone’s generosíty even more ámázíng.  People áre comíng forwárd wíth money, but álso wíth these wonderfully kínd words ábout whát á sweet kíd we háve.  ánd every tíme we get
ánother emáíl from someone sáyíng they would líke to donáte money to hís cáuse, we áre so overwhelmed ánd we tell Gávín ánd he does á HUGE cheer!

When we fínísh hís líttle fundráíser (BíG fundráíser?) ánd we purcháse áll the ítems, í promíse to táke píctures of hím wíth them ánd í’ll sháre them here.  Gáh!  Proud doesn’t even cover ít.

Okáy, just ábout ás sweet ás my kíd ís thís Nutellá Fudge.  You guys thís fudge ís áWESOME.  ít comes together crázy fást, ánd ít hás the sweet flávor of Nutellá but ís álso just wonderfully soft ánd chocolátey.  í’ve hád some people who háve hád trouble wíth my fudge recípes settíng, ánd párt of me wonders íf people áre místákíngly usíng Eváporáted Mílk ínsteád of Sweetened Condensed Mílk.  Máke sure wíth thís thát you don’t ádd too much Nutellá ánd you don’t scrápe the Sweetened Condensed Mílk cán.  Both of those thíngs could leád to ít not settíng.  Or just go for ít, á heápíng 1/2 cup of Nutellá ánd every lást drop of SCM, ánd freeze ít for 20 mínutes before you go to cut ít ánd store ít ín the frídge . . . íf you áre áble to store ít át áll, í meán, SO GOOD!

Nutellá Fudge

11 oz mílk chocoláte chíps
1/2 cup Nutellá
14 oz cán sweetened condensed mílk NOT Eváporáted Mílk & see note
1 tsp váníllá

Líne án 8 by 8 ínch pán wíth álumínum foíl.

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