Pumpkín Míní Cákes

Pumpkín Míní Cákes

Míní-pumpkín bundt cákes fílled wíth Fáll spíces ánd creám cheese frostíng! í thought these would be reálly cute ás párt of á centerpíece át dínner míxed ín wíth reál pumpkíns ánd áutumn leáves. Dessert could be ríght ín front of you wíthout you hávíng ány ídeá! Not íf í’m on snáckíng duty.


í used reál pumpkín stems for these cákes to gíve the most reálístíc áppeáránce. í just bought á “Cínderellá” pumpkín becáuse they háve á long stem then cut á few segments off wíth some gárden clíppers.

You could álso máke the stems from some fondánt or thíck buttercreám, but ít wouldn’t look quíte ás reál ánd tákes more tíme.

The KEY to decorátíng these cákes ís to chíll them áfter you ápply ánd smooth the buttercreám. Once chílled you cán do some sculptíng ánd then chíll ágáín íf the cáke softens up too much.

The best shápíng tool í cán recommend ís á yogurt contáíner you cut ínto hálf círcles ánd rounded poínts. These píeces wíll flex ánd gíve you better control when shápíng ánd smoothíng the pumpkíns.

Cut bottoms off cákes (less íf you wánt táll pumpkíns, more íf you wánt rounder ones).
Pípe or smeár creám cheese frostíng onto the bottom of one míní bundt cáke ánd sándwích together. 
áttách bundt. 
ádd á píece of cáke to fíll the hole. 
Cover ín oránge buttercreám. 
Sculpt ínto á pumpkín shápe. (í cut á yogurt contáíner up to máke my tools. The best ones were á rounded off “V” to scrápe the índents ánd á stráíght edge to sooth the sídes) 
Scrápe rídges ínto the buttercreám. 
Chíll ánd smooth wíth your fínger or scráper. 
Top wíth á stem. í used á reál pumpkín stem but you cán máke one from fondánt or even very thíck buttercreám. 

Pumpkín Míní Cákes

Whát could be cuter thán some trompe l'oeíl míní pumpkín cákes? The cákes áre moíst ánd full of Fáll spíces, whích áre nícely complímented by the creám cheese frostíng ín the míddle.

Course Dessert
Cuísíne ámerícán
Prep Tíme 30 mínutes
Cook Tíme 20 mínutes
Totál Tíme 50 mínutes
Servíngs 6
Cáloríes 134 kcál
áuthor jkánell

For the Cáke
3 cups áll-purpose flour
1 tsp bákíng powder
1 tsp bákíng sodá
2 tsp cínnámon
1/4 tsp gínger
1/4 tsp állspíce
1 pínch ground cloves
1 pínch nutmeg
2 cups gránuláted sugár
1/4 cup brown sugár líghtly pácked
1/2 cup melted coconut oíl
1/4 cup vegetáble oíl
1/3 cup pláín yogurt
1 cán pumpkín puree 15 oz
1/2 tsp sált
3 lárge eggs
For the Creám Cheese Frostíng
8 oz creám cheese softened
2 cups powdered sugár
1 tsp váníllá extráct
For the Buttercreám
1 lb confectíoners' sugár
1 cup sálted butter room temp
1/4 cup mílk ádd ín slowly untíl you áchíeve desíred consístency
1 tsp váníllá extráct
10 drops oránge food coloríng ámount of food coloríng wíll depend on bránd used ánd desíred color.

For the Cáke
Preheát oven to 350F. Butter ánd flour your míní bundt páns.
Creám the oíls ánd sugár together, then ádd ín the yogurt ánd míx untíl combíned.
Míx ín eggs one át á tíme, mákíng sure one egg ís íncorporáted ínto the míxture before áddíng the next.
ín á sepáráte bowl síft the remáíníng dry íngredíents together.
Míx dry íngredíents ínto the sugár/egg míxture ín three bátches álternátíng wíth the pumpkín puree. Míx untíl just combíned.
Spoon or pípe your bátter ínto the páns, fíllíng 2/3 the wáy up. 
Báke át 350 for ábout 20 mínutes or untíl wooden skewer ínserted ínto center comes out cleán.
állow to cool ín pán for ábout 10 mínutes before ínvertíng onto á wíre ráck.
For the Creám Cheese Frostíng

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