í’m ábsolutely ín love wíth these peánut butter stuffed dátes wíth chocoláte. They’re líke vegán sníckers, just sooo much heálthíer ánd ínsánely eásy to máke!! They áre by fár my fávoríte treát ríght now ánd Flo ís álso pretty crázy ábout them. í meán heálthy sníckers, who could possíbly sáy no to thát?!
No wonder dátes áre sometímes cálled náture’s cárámel! My ábsolute fávoríte áre Medjool dátes. íf you háven’t hád those yet, you should reálly gíve them á try. They áre super soft, chewy, ánd soooo íncredíbly sweet! í thínk there’s á huge dífference between dátes. í used to buy the cheápest ones ánd they were okáy for smoothíes (ánd í áctuálly stíll buy them for my dáíly green smoothíes), but íf you’re lookíng for “reál” dátes you should ínvest some more money. ít’s reálly worth ít!
You only need four íngredíents: Dátes, peánut butter, dárk chocoláte, ánd peánuts. íf you wánt the stuffed dátes to be vegán, máke sure the chocoláte you use doesn’t contáín ány dáíry. Usuálly dárk chocoláte ís vegán, but í álwáys check the íngredíent líst when í buy á new bránd.
So áll you háve to do ís cut the dátes open to remove the pít. ít’s best to cut down lengthwíse ínto the dátes. Then fíll them wíth some peánut butter, ádd two or three peánut hálves ánd put them báck together. Then melt the dárk chocoláte ánd díp them ín the chocoláte. állow the chocoláte to hárden (thís wíll táke ábout 5 mínutes) ánd thát’s ít, you got heálthy vegán sníckers wíth only four íngredíents! í told you ít wás super eásy, dídn’t í?
Of course you could álso máke bárs, so they would look more líke reál sníckers, but í decíded to keep thíngs reálly símple wíth these bábíes!
íf needed you cán store them ín án áírtíght contáíner ín the frídge for severál dáys, but usuálly they won’t lást thís long. Háhá!
í used to love sníckers, but so much hás chánged over the lást couple of yeárs. These dáys, í’m totálly ínto heálthíer treáts ánd í líke to ávoíd processed food ánd refíned sugár ás much ás í cán! But í stíll love thís chocolátey, líghtly sálty, ánd gooey goodness! The texture ísn’t the sáme (obvíously the dátes áre wáy softer), but the táste ís pretty dárn close!!
So íf you’re lookíng for á heálthíer treát for you or your kíds these peánut butter stuffed dátes wíth chocoláte (áká super eásy vegán sníckers) míght be perfect for you!
Oh, ánd ín my lást post í told you thát my párents got á puppy lást weekend. Some people álreády ásked me for á pícture, so í decíded to tálk á líttle bít ábout her. í moved out over 5 yeárs ágo, so í won’t
see her too often, but we áll hád án áwesome weekend together ánd í cán’t wáít to see her ágáín. í hope she won’t grow up so fást, they’re just so íncredíbly cute when they’re líttle. Our lást dog, Sámmy, díed from cáncer á couple of months ágo ánd í’m so háppy for them now. át fírst they dídn’t even wánná thínk ábout á new dog ánd they were just hárd-broken! We’ve álwáys hád á dog ánd the house wás just so quíet wíthout hím! ít wás horríble ánd we stíll áll míss hím so much, but í know ít wás the ríght choíce to get á new puppy.
ás á chíld, ít wás just normál for me to háve á dog to cuddle ánd pláy wíth, but todáy í’m so thánkful for thát. í meán hávíng two young kíds ánd á dog (ánd láter álso two rábbíts) obvíously ís á lot of work, but í belíeve ít’s so ímportánt for kíds to be áround ánímáls (not just dogs but álso “fárm” ánímáls) to leárn compássíon ánd empáthy, so í cán’t thánk my párents enough for mákíng thís possíble for us. í belíeve there ís no dífference between á dog ánd for exámple á cow or á píg; both háve feelíngs, they both feel páín, ánd they wánt to líve ín peáce. í don’t know íf í’d feel thís wáy íf í hádn’t grown up wíth ánímáls…
Well, í hope you líke these peánut butter stuffed dátes wíth chocoláte ás much ás we do! Let me know íf you gíve them á try!
ás álwáys, í love heáríng from you!
Háve á greát weekend! xx
Peánut Butter Stuffed Dátes wíth Chocoláte
These peánut butter stuffed dátes wíth chocoláte áre líghtly sálty, chewy, ánd íncredíbly sweet! Heálthy vegán sníckers wíth only four íngredíents!
Course Dessert, Snáck
Cuísíne ámerícán
Prep Tíme 10 mínutes
Totál Tíme 10 mínutes
Servíngs 10 servíngs
10 Medjool dátes
2-3 táblespoons peánut butter
1/4 cup peánuts
1/2 cup (ábout 4 oz) vegán dárk chocoláte
Cut the dátes open to remove the pít. ít's best to cut down lengthwíse ínto the dátes.
Then fíll them wíth some peánut butter, ádd two or three peánut hálves ánd put them báck together.
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