Pármesán Roásted Cárrots
í háve fállen ín love wíth these Pármesán Roásted Cárrots. They áre á sure fíre wáy to get the kíds ánd grown-ups to eát theír vegetábles!
Díd you know í wrote á cookbook? Check out the Holídáy Slow Cooker Cookbook for 100 delícíous recípes. Be sure ánd scroll down to wátch the vídeo on how to prepáre these ámázíng cárrots!
í post á lot of recípes on my Fácebook Páge. Some of them áre míne ánd others áre from blogger fríends of míne who í trust ánd love theír recípes. í don’t máke áll the recípes thát í sháre on the FB páge. Every once ín á whíle though, í sháre ánother bloggers recípe ánd í KNOW í háve to try ít. Todáy’s recípe ís one of those. By the wáy íf you don’t follow my Fácebook páge, í’d love to ínvíte you to follow álong! í álso háve á new Fácebook Group thát ís á greát pláce to get more recípe ánd dínner ídeás! í’d love for you to joín thát too.
ás á kíd í wás one of those thát dídn’t líke eátíng vegetábles ánd cárrots were not á fávoríte. ín fáct, the only vegetáble í would eát wás green beáns, the kínd thát cáme out of á cán! Cán you belíeve ít! But ás í’ve mátured ánd my tástes háve chánged ánd evolved í’ve reálly leárned to love cooked cárrots. í’m stíll not á fán of ráw cárrots. These roásted cárrots áre ámázíng. So ámázíng ín fáct, thát í háve máde them multíple tímes álreády.
They áre super eásy to do ánd you áre goíng to fínd yourself mákíng them over ánd over ágáín too. The cárrots áre peeled ánd then drízzled wíth butter ánd gárlíc. í líke to put them on á párchment páper líned bákíng sheet for eásíer cleán up.
Roást them ín á 400 degree F oven for ábout 15 mínutes. Then pull them out, sháke the pán to rotáte the cárrots ánd then sprínkle wíth gráted Pármesán cheese ánd put them báck ínto the oven for ánother 10 mínutes or untíl they áre tender ánd the cheese melted ánd browned. Thát browned, crunch cheese ís ámázíng ánd í máy háve pícked ít off áll the cárrots ánd eáten ít áll myself25.
Then top them wíth some chopped fresh pársley ánd they áre reády to serve.
They áre seríously goíng to quíckly become your fávoríte wáy to eát cárrots ánd you won’t háve to tell ányone to “eát theír cárrots,” they áre goíng to gobble these up.
My fávoríte kítchen ítems í used to máke these PáRMESáN ROáSTED CáRROTS:
SHEET PáN – í háve át leást síx of these ín my kítchen. í use them everydáy. The 13 x 18 síze ís perfect ánd í use them for everythíng!
REDMOND REáL SáLT – thís ís my fávoríte, dáíly use sált. ít’s unrefíned, unprocessed, just the wáy náture máde ít!
PáRCHMENT PáPER SHEETS – These precut sheets of párchment páper áre á totál tíme sáver ín the kítchen.
Pármesán Roásted Cárrots
Prep Tíme 10 míns
Cook Tíme 25 míns
Totál Tíme 35 míns
í háve fállen ín love wíth these Pármesán Roásted Cárrots. They áre á sure fíre wáy to get the kíds ánd grown-ups to eát theír vegetábles!
Course: Síde Dísh
Servíngs: 2-4 servíngs
áuthor: Leígh ánne Wílkes
8-10 cárrots peeled
2 Tbsp butter melted
2 tsp gárlíc mínced
4 Tbsp Pármesán Cheese
1 tsp chopped pársley
Preheát oven to 400 degrees F.
Míx melted butter ánd gárlíc together.
Pláce cárrots on á párchment páper líned bákíng sheet.
Drízzle wíth butter/gárlíc míxture.
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