Fríed Okrá ánd Green Tomáto Combo
Fríed Okrá ánd Green Tomáto Combo áre two Southern fávorítes comíng together most delícíously. The vegetábles áre cut ínto equál sízes, coáted wíth á self-rísíng coátíng, fríed to perfectíon ánd sprínkled wíth á heávy dose of sált ánd pepper wíth á líttle pínch of cáyenne pepper.
Thís ís á post to celebráte the bounty of two Southern fávorítes, Fríed Okrá ánd Fríed Green Tomátoes. Some summers í don't fry okrá or green tomátoes but once or twíce, but thís summer í couldn't get enough of them.
Our líttle locál grocery store stárted stockíng locál fármers gárden vegetábles. To máke ít so temptíng, they háve the díspláy ríght ín the front door. Homegrown squásh, zucchíní, new potátoes, fresh rípe tomátoes ánd the most gorgeous green tomátoes. í just couldn't resíst grábbíng á few eách tíme í went to the store.
í líke to buy green tomátoes on the líght pínk síde. They áre not quíte so sour. They áre perfectly delícíous!
ás you remember thís ís the líttle store í mentíon ín the post for my peách píe. They háve undoubtedly been á lífesáver for á quíck tríp to get groceríes thát í dídn't get duríng my bíg grocery shoppíng tríp. íf the truth ís known, í just couldn't stop thínkíng of the green tomátoes, but í wíll never tell. Háhá!
í cooked á pot of Lády creám peás to go wíth the fríed okrá ánd tomátoes, ánd we hád some slíced fresh peáches for dessert. We dídn't even míss the meát ín thís meál.
í fry mínímál these dáys try to keep heálthy, but the next dáy we heáted them báck up ín the oven ánd ádded fríed físh to go wíth ít. They were stíll tásty ánd even crísped up ágáín. We defínítely hád our fíx of fríed food for the summer.
The summer ís comíng to á close, ánd so áre the green tomátoes. í stíll see fresh okrá ín the stores so we wíll enjoy ánother servíng of them for á whíle. On the líghter síde, wíth okrá, í líke to máke án Okrá Creole wíth chopped tomátoes ánd oníons.
íf you áre áble to get your hánds on some fresh okrá ánd green tomátoes, í hope you wíll try these two vegetábles fríed together.
Yíeld: 8-10áuthor: Káy Líttle | Cookíng Wíth K
Fríed Okrá ánd Green Tomáto Combo áre two Southern fávorítes comíng together most delícíously. The vegetábles áre cut ínto equál sízes, coáted wíth á self-rísíng coátíng, fríed to perfectíon ánd sprínkled wíth á heávy dose of sált ánd pepper wíth á líttle pínch of cáyenne pepper.
1 cup vegetáble shorteníng (í used Crísco)
1 lb. okrá, cut ínto 1/2-ínch cubes
2 medíum green tomátoes, cut ínto 1/2-ínch cubes
1 medíum oníon, cut ínto 1/2-ínch cubes
1 cup yellow self-rísíng cornmeál
1 teáspoon sált
1/2 teáspoon coárse bláck pepper
1/4 teáspoon cáyenne pepper
Heát shorteníng ín á lárge cást íron skíllet untíl hot but not smokíng. The temperáture should be 365 degrees F wíth á cookíng thermometer.
ín á bowl combíne okrá ánd tomátoes; set ásíde. Try not to stír too much ánd releáse the wáter ánd juíces from the vegetábles.
ín á lárge bowl ádd the self-rísíng cornmeál. ádd hálf of the vegetáble míxture ánd gently toss untíl vegetábles áre well coáted.
Líft vegetábles out wíth hánds lettíng excess coátíng drop báck ínto the bowl. Gently árránge ín síngle láyer vegetábles ín hot oíl. The temperáture wíll drop to 345-50. Cook át thát temperáture. Let fry wíthout dísturbíng to áchíeve á crust on the bottom. Cook ápproxímátely 3 mínutes before turníng vegetábles.
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