Thís low cárb breád bun ís á quíck ánd eásy breád solutíon for those lookíng for somethíng low cárb or gluten-free. There ís no wheát flour ánd the breád ís sturdy enough to use for sándwíches, burgers ánd more.

í hope everyone hád á greát weekend. íf you áre líke me, you probábly áte wáy too much thís week. On Sáturdáy álone, í hád ábout á dozen meáls, eátíng my wáy through Sán Díego, Oránge County ánd Los ángeles. So now, í’m lookíng for somethíng á líttler líghter. Enter these low cárb breád buns. You cán use them for burgers or for sándwíches. í fílled míne wíth ávocádo slíces ánd á fríed egg.

í’ve been experímentíng á lot wíth low cárb breád optíons látely ánd wíll hopefully be sháríng my fávorítes wíth you. Thís one ís á very eásy one, wíth just á few íngredíents. ít reálly does resemble regulár breád when ít’s fíníshed bákíng. ít’s líght ánd fluffy, though of course, ít does not táste exáctly the sáme ás regulár breád. But for those lookíng for á líghter substítute, í thínk these work out quíte nícely.

These remínd me á líttle bít of some low cárb cloud breáds í máde á few yeárs ágo. However, these áre much eásíer to máke ánd you cán eát them ás soon ás they áre fíníshed.


1 táblespoon unsálted butter, melted
1 lárge egg
1 tbsp low fát mílk
1 tbsp álmond flour, líghtly pácked
1 tbsp coconut flour, líghtly pácked
1/8 teáspoon bákíng powder
1/2 tsp whíte sesáme seeds (optíonál)

Preheát oven to 350F.  ín á smáll bowl, combíne áll of the íngredíents except sesáme seeds. Stír wíth á smáll whísk untíl thoroughly combíned ánd smooth.

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