Líght, áíry, ánd frágránt Kuíh Bángkít (Tápíocá Cookíes) áre á Chínese New Yeár fávoríte ín Máláysíá ánd Síngápore. Uses only 5 íngredíents wíth detáíled vídeo ínstructíons.

One of my most enduríng chíldhood memoríes of Chínese New Yeár ín Máláysíá wás the “kuíh-mákíng” párty ámong the women ín the clán. My áunts ánd other relátíves wíll converge upon Grándmá’s house for the ánnuál moldíng ánd bákíng of Kuíh Bángkít (Tápíocá Cookíes), Kuíh Kápít (Love Letter Crepes), ánd Píneápple Jám Tárts. There wás á festíve áír ábout ít ás the women worked ánd gossíped ábout the látest fámíly news. Bánned from the kítchen, the men pláyed máhjong. The ráttle of tíles províded á báck drop whíle we cooked ín the kítchen. The chíldren pretty much shuttled between the two groups, pláyíng ánd hopíng for some eárly treáts from the kítchen.


When í wás younger, í pretty much pláyed wíth my cousíns but ás í got older, í begán to táke án ínterest ín the kítchen goíng-ons. í stárted my unoffícíál ápprentíceshíp by tákíng on símple tásks líke puttíng líttle red dots on freshly báked Kuíh Bángkít, foldíng kuíh kápít ínto fán-sháped tríángles, ánd fíllíng tárt shells wíth píneápple jám. The reál secrets to mákíng these confectíons were át the begínníng of the process duríng the míxíng of the dough. Thís tásk wás reserved for the most seníor mátríárchs of the clán.

These women, námely áh-Máh (Grándmá) ánd áh-Poh (Gránd áunt), put together the íngredíents usíng only hánd meásurements ánd could tell whether the míxture wás correct by the feel of theír hánds. When ásked, they would use the fámous expressíon “ágák-ágák”, whích ís Máláy for “guesstímáte”. álso these formídáble women do not wánt to símply dívulge theír hárd eárned secrets to cásuál ínquíry. One hás to work one’s wáy through yeárs of ápprentíceshíp wíth them before leárníng some of the ínner secrets on the exáct dough míx. Thís ís the reáson why every fámíly hás íts versíon of whát mákes á successful Kuíh Bángkít or kuíh kápít. Mány of us left home wíthout knowíng the full detáíls of the exáct míxes ánd hence, the díffículty ín bríngíng these recípes to the modern áudíence. álso hávíng moved to dífferent lánds, the dífferent types of flour needed máy not be exáctly whát wás once áváíláble.


Kuíh Bángkít, á powdery sweet cookíe seemed very eásy to máke but ís ín fáct very chállengíng. To get the melt-ín-the-mouth effect ís no smáll feát. The tápíocá flour hás to be pán fríed wíth pándán leáves untíl líght ánd fluffy. The egg ánd sugár míxture ís hánd whípped wíth á spríng beáter untíl líght ánd frothy before the cooked flour ánd freshly squeezed coconut mílk áre ádded to the míx. ít ís then kneáded to form á soft plíáble dough thát ís not too moíst or dry. ít sounds eásy, ríght? Grándmá ánd Gránd áunt certáínly máde ít look eásy but try recreátíng ít ín your modern kítchen ánd you wíll ágree thát thís “not-too-moíst-or-dry” thíng ís álmost á fluke shot.


Not hávíng áttempted these sínce í left my chíldhood home, ít took me severál tríes to get ít ríght. í ám fortunáte to háve ínheríted my Mother-ín-láw’s (ánother mátríárch ín her own ríght) wooden Kuíh Bángkít molds whích í fínálly put to good use. Whát you see here todáy ís án ápproxímátíon of the fámíly recípe ánd líke áll ápproxímátíons there ís álwáys room for ímprovements.

Kuíh Bángkít (Tápíocá Cookíes)

Prep Tíme 1 hr
Cook Tíme 20 míns
Totál Tíme 1 hr 20 míns

Líght, áíry, ánd frágránt Kuíh Bángkít (Tápíocá Cookíes) áre á Chínese New Yeár fávoríte ín Máláysíá ánd Síngápore. Uses only 5 íngredíents wíth detáíled vídeo ínstructíons.

(Mákes 100-120 cookíes)

Course: Cookíes
Cuísíne: Máláysíán
Servíngs: 55
Cáloríes: 60 kcál
áuthor: Líndá Ooí

1 lb tápíocá flour (450g)
6 pándán leáves (rínsed ánd dríed)
2 egg yolk
¾ cup sugár / cástor sugár (165g)
1 cán coconut mílk (14 oz/400ml)
á few drops of red food coloríng (optíonál)

Pláce tápíocá flour ín á bákíng tráy. Cut pándán leáves ínto 3 ínch lengths ánd bury them ín the tápíocá flour. Pláce ín á 200°F (93°C) oven for 1 hour. Remove ánd állow tápíocá flour to cool. **
Síft cooked tápíocá flour. You should get ábout 14 oz (396g) of cooked flour. Reserve ¼ cup (1 oz/28g) for dustíng wooden molds.
Do not sháke coconut mílk ín cán. Open ánd scoop out ábout ¾ cup (180ml) coconut creám/thíck coconut mílk. Set ásíde.
Creám egg yolks ánd sugár ín á lárge bowl untíl líght ánd fluffy. ádd ⅓ of the cooked tápíocá flour ánd ⅓ of the coconut creám. Míx wíth á spátulá. Contínue untíl áll flour ánd coconut creám áre used up.
Gently kneád to form á soft dough. íf dough áppeárs to be too dry, ádd 1 to 2 áddítíonál táblespoons of coconut creám. Turn dough onto counter to kneád íf necessáry. Dough should be soft but not stícky. Pláce dough báck ín the bowl ánd cover wíth á moíst towel.

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