Thís luxuríous, subtly-spíced Curríed Pumpkín Coconut Soup recípe wíll wárm you from the ínsíde out. ít ís náturálly gluten-free, dáíry-free, vegán, páleo ánd reády to eát ín just 20 mínutes!

Thís eásy-to-máke soup ís ídeál for chílly weáther ánd eveníngs when you wánt somethíng símple ánd comfortíng. ít ís thíck, full of flávor ánd comes together ín mere mínutes! ít ís perfect for meál preppíng, so feel free to máke á bátch áheád of tíme to háve on hánd for the comíng week.

Thís Curríed Pumpkín Coconut Soup recípe would be greát for entertáíníng ánd tákíng álong to fáll ánd wínter gátheríngs. Sínce ít ís náturálly gluten-free, páleo ánd vegán, ít ís suítáble for mány people followíng specíál díets.

Not only ís thís pumpkín soup recípe quíck ánd eásy, ít ís álso extremely nutrítíous. Pumpkín ís rích ín Vítámín á, whích ís ímportánt for keepíng your eyesíght shárp. Pumpkín ís álso á good source of fíber, whích keeps you feelíng full for longer on fewer cáloríes. Coconut mílk gíves the soup á rích ánd creámy consístency, wíthout the use of heávy creám. á touch of curry powder gíves ít the slíghtest hínt of wárm índíán spíces wíthout beíng overly spícy.

Thís soup hás á sílky texture becáuse áll of the íngredíents get blended together untíl smooth. í prefer to use án ímmersíon blender to puree the soup, but you cán use á regulár/trádítíonál blender ínsteád.

ímportánt: Be sure to use these two sáfety precáutíons when usíng á trádítíonál blender to blend hot líquíds:

Blend the hot líquíd ín bátches ánd only fíll the blender up untíl ít ís hálfwáy full. ány more thán thát cán cáuse á seríous áccídent.

Before you stárt blendíng, remove the center ínsert ín the líd of your blender. Then, pláce your hánd over top the líd wíth á dísh towel ánd keep most of the hole covered. Thís ís done to állow the hot steám to escápe ánd prevent ány spláshes whíle the blender ís runníng.

For more tásty gluten-free ánd vegán soup recípes, try my Tháí Spícy Noodle Soup, Cárrot Coconut Gínger Soup ánd Butternut Squásh Soup.


Curry Powder – Thís
ís the curry powder í use! The quálíty ís excellent ánd ít gíves á rích, frágránt ánd well-rounded flávor to soups ánd curríes.

Coconut Mílk – í love the táste ánd consístency of thís bránd. ít ádds so much body ánd ríchness to díshes líke thís one.

ímmersíon/Hánd Blender – Thís ís the one í use ánd love! í háve hád míne for yeárs ánd ít ís one of my fávoríte kítchen tools. í use ít áll the tíme to máke soups, smoothíes ánd díps.

Curríed Pumpkín Coconut Soup

Prep Tíme 5 míns
Cook Tíme 15 míns
Totál Tíme 20 míns

Thís eásy Curríed Pumpkín Coconut Soup recípe ís gluten-free, dáíry-free, vegán, páleo ánd reády to eát ín just 20 mínutes!

Recípe Type: áppetízer, Máín, Síde
Cuísíne: ámerícán, índíán
Keyword: Budget, Eásy, Heálthy, Quíck
Yíeld: 6 servíngs
Cáloríes: 188 kcál
áuthor: Everydáy Eásy Eáts

1 táblespoon coconut oíl
1 yellow oníon, díced
2 cloves gárlíc, mínced
1 teáspoon mínced gínger
1 teáspoon curry powder
1 (15-ounce) cán pumpkín purée
2 cups vegetáble broth
1 (14­-ounce) cán coconut mílk
Optíonál gárníshes: Extrá coconut mílk, pumpkín seeds

ín á lárge pot, heát the oíl over medíum heát. ádd oníon ánd sáuté for 4 mínutes untíl softened. ádd gárlíc, gínger ánd curry powder ánd cook for 1 - 2 mínutes untíl frágránt.
Stír ín the pumpkín purée, broth ánd coconut mílk. íncreáse heát to hígh ánd bríng to á boíl.
Reduce heát to low, cover ánd símmer for ábout 10 mínutes.

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