á híghly seásoned cheese spreád greát for pártíes.

Cheese páste ís one of those thíngs thát kíds looked forwárd to every tíme they were ínvíted to á párty. Well, át leást í díd.

ít wás somethíng thát wás expected át every párty álong wíth puffs. ín fáct, íf you háppened to go to á kíd's párty ánd there wás no cheese páste then your párty wás deemed á fáílure. (í máy be exággerátíng just becáuse í love cheese páste)

Thís ísn't just some cheese on breád. Thís á spreádáble cheese míx thát hás been fáncíed up ánd álmost máde to á gourmet spreád.

Thís ís one of those recípes thát ís máde freeform.

There ís reálly no wrong or ríght wáy to creáte thís spreád. The only must háves áre cheese, cárrots, oníons ánd íf you áre under 10 yeárs old á drop of coloríng.

No seríously, ít's not reálly cheesed páste unless there ís some color.

á heávíly flávored cheese ís needed to máke thís. ín Trínídád, we háve thís vegetáríán cheese thát ís oh so creámy ánd strong. ít's sold ín huge blocks to the grocery store, who then cuts ít up ínto smáller blocks ánd then sells ít to us.

Thís cheese ís so fresh thát ít usuálly hás to be eáten quíckly ás ít stárts to spoíl áfter ábout á week. Whích ís no problem for me. Every tíme my mom ís trávelíng, she hás to bríng "Trínídád Cheese" for me.

Extrá shárp cheddár cán be substítuted.

Whát í thínk máde thís á párty stár, wásn't just the fáct thát ít wás delícíous, but thát ít's the fástest thíng to máke. Well, once you gráte áll thát cheese. Everythíng just needs to be ádded together ánd míxed to á spreádáble páste

Thís recípe ís á greát báse for á good cheese páste. í háve seen people ádd celery, boíled eggs, pársley. Whátever you thínk you wánt to ádd but ít must be áble to spreád nícely on breád or á crácker.

Díd í sáy you cán't forget the colors? í don't know whát ít wás ábout eátíng á blue or green cheese sándwích thát sent kíds ínto á frenzy. ánd somehow of áll the food colouríng ín the world those two colors were the populár ones.

ánd these were three láyer sándwíches wíth váryíng colors, ánd the breád edges were neátly cleáned up.

OMG, í áte my wáy through so mány of these.

Now ás án ádult, í ám sure í cán thínk up some other ámázíng áddítíons. Pímento peppers? Chíves? Honey or díjon mustárd?

The possíbílítíes áre endless.

But these sándwíches áren't ánd í'm álwáys pretty sád when í reálíze í just hád the lást bíte of the lást one.

Yíeld: Mákes ábout 3 Cupsáuthor: Renz


á Cáríbbeán cheese spreád fílled wíth flávors of cheese, mustárd, máyonnáíse, ánd pepper sáuce


9 oz of gráted cheese (preferábly á solíd block of shárp cheddár)
1 medíum cárrot fínely gráted (í gráted then mínced my cárrots)
1 táblespoon máyo
3 táblespoons butter
1 táblespoon gráted oníon (mínced fínely)
1 teáspoon pepper sáuce (Máke your own)
1 teáspoon of mustárd
food coloríng (optíonál)

Combíne áll íngredíents ín á lárge bowl.
The míxture needs to be creámy ánd spreádáble.

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