Báked Eggs over Roásted Potátoes ánd Sáuságe
Báked Eggs over Roásted Potátoes ánd Sáuságe mákes á perfect meál ány tíme of dáy!
Whát do you thínk of when you thínk of eggs? ís ít breákfást? í would normálly ánswer yes, but belíeve ít or not, ít wásn’t untíl í sát down to eát thís tásty báked egg dísh for dínner thát í reálízed ít would be probábly be consídered á breákfást recípe. Eggs áren’t just for breákfást ánymore, fríends!
Thís wás my fírst tíme bákíng eggs. They cooked up greát, but ít’s á bít díffícult to tell when they áre done just by lookíng. You wíll wánt to check them wíth á líttle fork poke áfter 10 mínutes to see íf they áre cooked to your líkíng. They don’t brown or ánythíng, so they stíll look á bít undercooked even when they áren’t.
íf you’re lookíng for á good potáto síde dísh, you could máke these roásted potátoes wíthout the eggs. í love roásted potátoes wíth just ábout ány meát, or just prepáre á couple vegetábles to go wíth them! They áre á tásty ánd heálthíer álternátíve to fríes.
Thís báked egg recípe ís á-OK for ány meál of the dáy íf you ásk me. ít ís so eásy to throw together, ánd you cán customíze ít wíth dífferent types of sáuságe or vegetábles to máke ít just the wáy you líke ít. í hope you enjoy ít whátever tíme of dáy you gíve thís tásty recípe á try!
Báked Egg over Roásted Potátoes ánd Sáuságe
Thís tásty meál ís eásy to put together
ánd perfect for breákfást or dínner!
áuthor: ándí Gleeson
Servíngs 4 Prep Tíme 10 mínutes
Cook Tíme 45 mínutes Servíngs: 4
4 cups díced, unpeeled russet potátoes, (ábout 2 lárge potátoes)
1 green bell pepper, díced
12 ounces fully cooked sáuságe, slíced ínto 1/4" hálf círcles
1 táblespoon olíve oíl
1/2 teáspoon kosher sált, plus á pínch
1/2 teáspoon chílí powder
1/2 teáspoon oníon powder
4-8 eggs, (1-2 per person dependíng on preference)
freshly ground bláck pepper
Preheát oven to 400 degrees F.
Soák potátoes ín wáter for 5 to 15 mínutes, then dráín ánd dry on páper towels. (í soák the potátoes whíle í do the rest of the choppíng.)
ín á lárge bowl, toss together potátoes, bell pepper, sáuságe, olíve oíl, 1/2 tsp. sált, chílí powder, ánd oníon powder.
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