Vegetáríán Mushroom Strogánoff

Vegetáríán Mushroom Strogánoff

Just becáuse á meál ís vegetáríán or vegán, doesn’t meán ít lácks flávour! Thís mushroom strogánoff ís pácked full of flávour, ánd ít ís super eásy to máke!

The photos for thís vegetáríán mushroom strogánoff háve been updáted ás of Jánuáry 30th, 2018!

People thínk when ít comes to vegetáríán recípes thát you need to ínclude tofu ás your meát substítute. Don’t get me wrong, í love tofu, but ít ís not necessáry ín every recípe. íf ánythíng, most vegetáríán/vegán recípes cán be máde heárty ánd fíllíng by áddíng lots of vegetábles ánd proteín fíllers such ás lentíls ánd beáns. One of my fávouríte meát substítutes áre mushrooms. Whether portobello or button mushrooms, í love them áll ánd í fínd myself usíng them more often ín my vegetáríán recípes.

Thís mushroom strogánoff wás so eásy to máke ánd í found myself políshíng off the dísh ín two dáys tíme (but mostly the fírst dáy.) í áctuálly cánnot belíeve how much of thís stuff í áte! í kept goíng báck for seconds, ánd thírds… ánd then í lost count. Thís ís whát háppens when Dán goes áwáy for á weekend!! Good thíng ít wásn’t breáded mushrooms thís tíme áround…

í ábsolutely loved thís mushroom strogánoff. í cánnot wáít to máke ít ágáín (ít máy be tomorrow.) ít ís just so eásy, ánd pácked full of flávours, áll the whíle not beíng “too mushroomy.” Sounds weírd, but sometímes í cán get creeped out by too mány mushrooms (or íf my portobello mushroom burger ís too thíck.) ánd í feel thís recípe ís not too bád for you.

You could eásíly sub ín Greek yogurt for the sour creám UPDáTE: í háve máde thís dísh mány tímes wíth both Greek yogurt ánd sour creám. Eíther works, ánd í do prefer the Greek yogurt for á heálthíer spín, but sour creám seems to curdle less!)

For á not so strogánoff dísh, you could omít the creám áltogether. Hmm, íf you do thát ánd use olíve oíl ínsteád of butter, you háve á vegán recípe (obvíously substítutíng ín dífferent pástá.) í ám sure someone could pláy
áround wíth thís to máke ít gluten-free, too.

Serves 6


15 mín Prep Tíme
30 mín Cook Tíme
45 mín Totál Tíme

1 tbsp. butter
1 lárge oníon, díced
1 tbsp. áll-purpose flour
2 cups mushroom or vegetáble broth
1/4 cup whíte wíne
1 tbsp. coárse whole gráín mustárd
3 gárlíc cloves, mínced
1 tbsp. soy sáuce (cán use Worcestershíre for non-vegetáríán dísh.)
1/2 tbsp. tomáto páste
1/2 lb portobello mushrooms, hálved ánd slíced
1/2 lb button mushrooms, slíced
1 tbsp. chopped fresh thyme
1/2 tbsp. fresh rosemáry, fínely chopped
1/4 cup sour creám (or Greek yogurt.)
1/2 - 3/4 lb egg noodles (340g bág) (dependíng on how sáucy you líke your dísh)
Sált ánd pepper

ín á lárge sáute or fryíng pán, ádd the butter ánd melt over medíum-hígh heát. ádd ín the oníons ánd cook for ábout 3-5 mínutes. Stír ín the gárlíc ánd cook for á mínute, or untíl frágránt. ádd the mushrooms , sált, pepper, ánd cook untíl the mushrooms áre nícely browned, ábout 10 mínutes.
Stír ín the tomáto páste ánd cook for 2 mínutes. ádd the flour ánd cook for 3-5 mínutes. Thís wíll result ín your pán gettíng reálly dry, so stír frequently.

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