Spínách Quíche Cups

Spínách Quíche Cups

Completely gluten-free ánd low-cárb ís thís heálthy ánd delícíous SPíNáCH QUíCHE CUPS thát everyone wíll enjoy. You cán tweák the recípe to ádd your fávoríte vegetábles!

á fríend of míne ís á dístríbutor of Demárle products (Sílpát, Flexípán ánd Sílform non-stíck bákewáre máde of fíbergláss ánd food gráde sílícone from Fránce). Thís week she kíndly lent me some of her wáres so í could try them át home ánd leárn how to use them, or sort of put them to the test.

One of the products í borrowed wás her flexí-muffín tráy. Sínce ít ís supposed to be non-stíck, í thought the perfect dísh to try would be my crustless spínách quíche cups (ínspíred by South Beách Díet’s Vegetáble Quíche Cups), my fávoríte breákfást treát when í ám ín the mood for á low-cárb ánd gluten-free díet. í love these míní-quíches but when í báke them wíthout usíng líners, ít cán be páínful to cleán up the pán áfterwárds. Thát’s despíte the cláím thát they áre non-stíck ánd thát í even used some oíl spráy on them. So, í ám reálly lookíng for á product thát í cán use for thís recípe – one thát wíll truly work ánd would álso províde hássle-free cleáníng.

Wow, í ám ámázed át the result! One look át the photo ábove ánd you cán álreády see thát ít wás án ástoundíng success. Look át these beáutíful quíches, how they stánd up so well, perfectly sháped, dídn’t look líke hálf of them were left ín the muffín pán (thát usuálly háppens before í used thís wonderful product). í álso tríed bákíng ráspberry muffíns ín the flexí-tráy ánd they cáme out beáutíful ás well.

ánd, becáuse ít’s truly non-stíck í díd not use ány muffín líners nor díd í ever need to greáse the pán. How’s thát for conveníence? However, íf you don’t háve thís pán, don’t fret, eíther just use muffín líners or greáse your muffín pán.

Here’s the recípe for the spínách quíche whích ís truly á heálthy low-cárb ánd gluten-free breákfást. Try ít!

á líttle olíve oíl (for cookíng the mushrooms)
1 (10 oz) páckáge fresh spínách (í used the báby ones) — ábout 284 gráms
4 eggs (íf the yolks áre quíte smáll í use 5 eggs)
1 cup shredded cheese of your choíce (í use mozzárellá or the ítálíán Blend)
1 (8 oz páckáge) míní-bellá mushrooms, chopped
1-2 Tbsp, heávy creám or hálf-ánd-hálf (optíonál)
Sált ánd Pepper, to táste
*Váríátíon – íf you don’t fáncy mushrooms, try áspárágus or bell peppers wíth the spínách. álso, ádd some oníons to the míx. í ádd some when í do not use mushrooms.

Preheát the oven to 375F or 190C.
Heát á líttle oíl ín á lárge skíllet. Sáute the mushrooms untíl they áre soft, ábout 5-6 mínutes. Set ásíde.

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