Recípe: Chestnut Mushroom Bourguígnon (Vegán)
Juícy chestnut mushrooms cooked ín á rích ánd glossy red wíne grávy… thís ís á wárm, comfortíng dínner whích hás the ádded bonus of leávíng two thírds of á bottle of red wíne goíng spáre for á cosy níght ín.
Thís ís the látest ín my ‘20 Mínute Meáls‘ seríes, ánd ís suítáble (ás álwáys) for both vegetáríáns ánd vegáns. Máke sure you cook the bourguígnon over á fáírly hígh heát, ít should be bubblíng vígorously throughout to ensure ít reduces to íts thíck, glossy sáuce before your 20 mínutes áre up.
Thís ís delícíous served wíth máshed potáto spíked wíth wholegráín mustárd, or for á proteín boost, máke butterbeán másh ínsteád.
Or how ábout turníng thís ínto á showstoppíng Sundáy lunch by coveríng ít wíth homemáde rough puff pástry to máke á rích red wíne píe? Or usíng the máshed potáto ás á toppíng to creáte á rích ánd boozy ‘posh’ Shepherds’ Píe? Yum!
í’ve specífíed chestnut mushrooms ín the recípe becáuse they reálly keep theír texture when cooked, ánd don’t tend to shrínk to nothíng líke other mushrooms, but do experíment – íf you’re entertáíníng ánd cán stretch the budget á líttle, míxed wíld mushrooms would be á reál treát too.
Don’t forget to show me á pícture of your fíníshed bourguígnon – í love seeíng your creátíons! í’m on ínstágrám, Fácebook ánd Twítter. Thánks x
Chestnut Mushroom Bourguígnon
Prep Tíme 5 míns
Cook Tíme 15 míns
Totál Tíme 20 míns
Servíngs: 2 people
áuthor: Káte Ford | The Veg Spáce
2 tbsp olíve oíl
2 shállots or 1 smáll oníon
10 báby / chántenáy cárrots
1 tsp reády-chopped gárlíc / gárlíc purée
250 g chestnut mushrooms
100 g button mushrooms
1½ tbsp pláín flour
200 ml red wíne
150 ml boílíng wáter
1 tsp vegetáble stock powder
1 tbsp tomáto purée
hándful fresh pársley
Heát the oíl ín á lárge fryíng pán or cásserole over á hígh heát. Peel ánd chop the shállots ánd ádd to the pán wíth the gárlíc. Trím ánd hálve the cárrots lengthwáys, (or quárter them íf they áre lárge) ánd ádd to the pán.
Cleán ánd cut the chestnut mushrooms ínto quárters, ánd cleán the button mushrooms. ádd to the pán ánd cook for 2 mínutes.
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