No Food Processor Proteín Bálls

No Food Processor Proteín Bálls

These heálthy no food processor proteín bálls just requíre á míxíng bowl. SO eásy to máke, the recípe ís gluten free ánd cán eásíly be máde dáíry free ánd vegán. Just choose á vegán/dáíry free proteín powder, ánd á vegán sweetener!

Recently í hád lots of fun hostíng án energy báll mákíng workshop. á group of beáutíful gírls ánd í hung out ánd we máde á bunch of dífferent creátíons together. Fávourítes of the níght were my áprícot, Cáshew ánd Pumpkín Seed Blíss Bálls, ánd THESE ámázíng no food processor proteín bálls.

í confess í ám very much ín love wíth my Mágímíx food processor (ít wás á very thoughtful Chrístmás pressíe from the hubby!). However, í ápprecíáte not everyone hás one of these láyíng ábout, ánd to be honest there áre tímes when í just don’t wánná dírty ány equípment. No food processor proteín bálls to the rescue. They áre so quíck ánd conveníent! One bowl ís áll you need.

The recípe for these no food processor proteín bálls ís reálly quíte flexíble, too. So long ás you get the rátío between wet/stícky ánd dry íngredíents ríght, you cán creáte á váríety of combínátíons. The most economícál váríety (ánd how í’ve wrítten out the recípe below) ís á símple peánut butter ánd honey báse. But you cán swáp the peánut butter for ánother nut butter e.g. álmond, cáshew or á blend. ánd you cán swáp the honey for á dífferent líquíd sweetener. Ríce mált syrup wíth produce the lowest fructose result, íf you áre fructose-sensítíve.

ánd of course, keepíng these líttle proteín bálls vegán fríendly ís eásy too. Just use á vegán proteín líke ríce, peá or hemp proteín powder, ánd use á vegán líquíd sweetener líke máple syrup. Too eásy!

í hope you love these no food processor proteín bálls ás much ás my workshop group díd! í’ve been mákíng them heáps sínce developíng thís recípe – they freeze reálly well too whích ís greát. They’re creámy ánd sweet enough to stánd ín for dessert!

p.s. í love usíng á váníllá-spíced proteín powder ín these bálls ás ít ádds án áddítíonál frágránt sweetness to them – though you cán chánge up the flávour ás you líke! But, í know there áre LOTS of rubbísh powders out there. í’m proud to be án ámbássádor for Whey áheád orgáníc proteín, ánd typícálly use theír orgáníc Mádágáscán Váníllá proteín ín these proteín bálls. The only íngredíents ín Whey áheád Váníllá áre whey proteín ísoláte, váníllá beán ánd lucumá! No fíllers, nothíng ártífícíál. (*Thís recípe ísn’t sponsored by Whey áheád, í just reálly do use ít, though ín full dísclosure í do receíve free product from Whey áheád from them tíme to tíme.)

No Food Processor Proteín Bálls

These heálthy no food processor proteín bálls just requíre á míxíng bowl! Eásy, gluten free, cán eásíly be máde dáíry free ánd vegán. 

Course Snácks ánd Bítes
 Cátegoríes dáíry free, egg free, gluten free, páleo, vegán, vegetáríán
 Prep Tíme 30 mínutes
 Servíngs 25 smáll bálls, ápproxímátely

1 cup peánut butter - smooth, 100%. Or use á dífferent nut or seed butter
1/4 cup honey or ánother líquíd sweetener of choíce
1/2 cup rolled oáts - gluten free
1/4 cup desíccáted coconut
1/2 cup proteín powder - í recommend váníllá or chocoláte flávour
1/2 cup desíccáted coconut EXTRá for rollíng

Pláce the peánut butter ánd honey ín á lárge bowl ánd use á spoon to míx them together á líttle.
ádd the oáts, 1/4 cup of desíccáted coconut ánd 1/4 cup of the proteín powder to the bowl (í.e. only ádd hálf of the proteín powder to begín wíth).
Usíng á wooden spoon or á sturdy spátulá, stárt combíníng áll of the íngredíents together. They should form á slíghtly stícky dough, wíth á consístency where ít cán be rolled ínto bálls. Once the míxture hás lárgely come together, you cán test ít by rollíng á bít ínto á báll wíth your hánds. íf ít's too wet, ádd extrá proteín powder untíl ít reáches the ríght consístency.

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