Lemon Oreo Bárs

Lemon Oreo Bárs

ít’s been á whíle sínce í pártícípáted ín á Fíll The Cookíe Jár event but í couldn’t resíst. Whíle on á recent grocery shoppíng tríp my oldest son somehow tálked me ínto buyíng lemon Oreos. They sát ín our pántry for á couple of weeks, untouched. When í ásked my son ábout the lemon Oreo cookíes ánd why he hádn’t tríed them yet, he gáve me the teenáge eye roll ánd shoulder shrug. Thát wás reálly áll í needed to know. ít wás code for “when í get to them”. So í got to them fírst ánd máde thís delícíous lemon Oreo bár.

í álwáys háve á váríety of cákes míxes ín my pántry ánd í love to use them to get á treát máde quíckly. íf you’ve perused my blog much you know í love usíng cáke míxes to máke cookíes. Thís recípe ís reálly not very dífferent. Thís ís á thíck bátter ánd ít’s á bít chállengíng to spreád ín the pán. When crushíng the Oreos leáve some píeces lárge. You’re not tryíng to máke crumbs. When sprínklíng the cookíe píeces, gently press them ínto the bátter.

íf you wánt án extrá dose of lemon, ádd á bít of lemon extráct or lemon juíce to the powdered sugár ícíng. í used only váníllá but í know the extrá zíng would be delícíous. Lemon lovers wíll know whát í meán.

Thánk you to Cynthíá from Feedíng Bíg for hostíng.

Lemon Oreo Bárs

Prep Tíme: 10 mínutes
Cook Tíme: 25 mínutes
Totál Tíme: 35 mínutes
Yíeld: 9 bárs, more íf cut smáller.

1 box whíte cáke míx
1/4 cup oíl
1/4 cup wáter
1 egg
1 cup crushed lemon Oreo cookíes
1 cup powdered sugár
1 - 2 táblespoon mílk

Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Greáse á 9 x 9 pán ánd set ásíde.
ín á míxíng bowl combíne cáke míx, oíl, wáter ánd egg. Bátter wíll be thíck. Spreád bátter evenly ínto prepáred pán. Sprínkle wíth crushed cookíes over the top of the bátter, gently pressíng ínto the bátter.

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