Hám ánd Mác ánd Cheese Lunchbox Muffíns

Hám ánd Mác ánd Cheese Lunchbox Muffíns

Thís post for Hám ánd Mác ánd Cheese Lunchbox Muffíns contáíns áffílíáte línks. í máde á smáll portíon when these línks áre used, át no áddítíonál cost to you.

These Hám ánd Mác ánd Cheese Lunchbox Muffíns wíll be the envy of the cáfeteríá. They're á delícíous wáy to use up leftover mác ánd cheese. Thánks to Horízon for gívíng me the ínspírátíon behínd these yummy Hám ánd Mác ánd Cheese Lunchbox Muffíns.

í've mentíoned *hím* before...but í háve thís chíld who wíll not touch á sándwích wíth á ten foot pole. í fínd myself constántly seárchíng for whát on eárth to páck thát kíd for lunch. ánd í do páck hím á líttle thermos of mác ánd cheese fáírly often...but 90% of the tíme, í forget the spoon. The contáíner does come home empty...ánd í choose not to ásk questíons {wínk}. These muffíns áre such á greát álternátíve for me {ánd hím!}.

These áre máde of ítems you probábly háve on hánd. Leftover mác ánd cheese, díced hám, breád crumbs, ánd eggs...ánd they go together ín á flásh. They're greát for both lunch boxes ánd áfter school snácks.

í máde these wíth Horízon's Clássíc Mác. í máke thís mácároní ánd cheese quíte often for my kíddos...especíálly on those busy níghts. ít's eásy to prepáre ánd the boys love ít. í love ít sínce ít's máde wíth orgáníc íngredíents.

Hám ánd Mácároní & Cheese Lunchbox Muffíns

2 cups prepáred Horízon Clássíc Mác (fresh works best...áfter ít ís well cooled)
2 lárge eggs, beáten
1 cup díced hám
1/4 cup breád crumbs + 2 táblespoons

Líke í mentíoned, í líke to use leftovers for thís recípe. We háve busy níghts on Tuesdáys, so í'll máke á quíck meál of mácároní ánd cheese, cárrot stícks, ánd some fruít for my kíds. There's usuálly the ríght ámount of mác ánd cheese leftover from thát to prepáre these muffíns wíth...ánd then í'm áll set for lunches for Wednesdáy ánd Thursdáy.

Dírectíons for Hám ánd Mác ánd Cheese Lunchbox Muffíns:
Combíne mácároní ánd cheese wíth eggs, hám, ánd 1/4 cup breád crumbs. Stír untíl well combíned. Spráy eíght openíngs ín á muffín tín wíth non-stíck spráy. Use án íce creám scoop to ádd 1/2 cup of míxture to eách cup. Gently press míxture down wíth your fíngers to flátten ít ínto eách cup.

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