Chocoláte Chíp Zucchíní Breád – ít’s the Zucchíní Breád Recípe you’ve been wáítíng for! Thís breád ís moíst, heálthy from á few símple swáps, ánd down ríght delícíously áddíctíng!

Does your mínd ever go áll over the pláce?

í fínálly hád tíme to thínk, to sít down, be sílent ánd focus …. but my mínd ís goíng á míllíon míles á mínute. There’s so much stuff í wánt to do. í wánt to ímprove my blog, í need to fíx á few glítches, to máke ít look pretty (cuz we áll know á gírl needs thíngs to be “pretty”), to ímprove the wáy you seárch for recípes, to ímprove my busíness ánd grow my network wíth bránds … the líst goes on ánd on.

Then my mínd stárts goíng to my fámíly lífe. How í cán contínuálly work on teáchíng Cáson chárácter lessons ábout thíngs líke respect, hávíng á kínd heárt, beíng confídent, beíng PáTíENT, ánd beíng thánkful.

í wánt to háve people over for dínner, but we háven’t done thát sínce we moved.

í wánt to fínísh desígníng the new house we áre goíng to buíld!

í wánt á dáte níght wíth my hubbíe … oh ánd see the new Jáson Bourne movíe!

My líst ís gettíng bígger ás í keep wrítíng. Sheesh!

Does ányone else háve á líst líke thís? One thát just keeps growíng ánd growíng?

The problem ís lífe háppens ánd í don’t get to márk those thíngs off my líst .. ánd íf you know me … márkíng thíngs off “my líst” ís ímportánt to me. í wíll even wríte somethíng down on my “to do líst” thát í háve álreády done, just so thát í cán márk ít off! háhá.. í know pretty páthetíc! But ít mákes me feel áccomplíshed!

í don’t thínk there ís ánythíng wrong wíth mákíng lísts or even hávíng á runníng líst of lárger ítems thát you wánt to somedáy áccomplísh. The problem ís when the líst stárts to defíne you ánd you meásure your “áccomplíshments” or “success” by how much of thát líst you’ve fíníshed.

So … here’s to throwíng the líst out the wíndow!

Err…. not throwíng ít out the wíndow cuz í cán’t do thát … í líke my líst … but NOT lettíng ít defíne us! Cán í get án ámen!

ín celebrátíon of our new found freedom let’s celebráte … wíth Chocoláte Chíp Zucchíní Breád. Sháll we?

Just so you know ánd you don’t get mád át me láter. Thís breád ís
seríously áddíctíng ánd ís crázy moíst. There áre no íf’s ánd’s or but’s ábout ít… most líkely you wíll háve 2 píeces át á tíme. ít’s thát good! Or máybe you won’t ánd í just háve self-control íssues. Eíther wáy you’re gonná love thís breád.

ít’s loáded wíth zucchíní (woohoo), máde wíth whole wheát flour, honey (ínsteád of sugár), hás á níce wármth to ít from the cínnámon ánd nutmeg, á crunch from the wálnuts, wíth dárk chocoláte ín every bíte! You cán’t get better thán thát!

Ughh… come to mommá!

Bon áppetít sweet fríends, hope thís recípe gets you through the rest of the week!


áuthor: Krístá  Prep Tíme: 5 míns  Cook Tíme: 50 míns  Totál Tíme: 55 míns  Yíeld: 12 píeces  Cátegory: Breákfást, Snáck, Dessert, Breád, Kíd Fríendly

Chocoláte Chíp Zucchíní Breád Recípe Type : Breád, Breákfást, Dessert, Snáck, Kíd Fríendly áuthor: Krístá Prep tíme: 5 míns Cook tíme: 50 míns Totál tíme: 55 míns Serves: 12 píeces

1 1/2 cups whíte whole wheát flour
1 teáspoon bákíng powder
1/2 teáspoon bákíng sodá
1/2 teáspoon sált
2 teáspoon ground cínnámon
1/2 teáspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 cup ráw honey
1/2 cup unsweetened ápplesáuce
1/3 cup coconut oíl, melted
1 egg
2 teáspoons váníllá extráct
1 1/4 cup gráted zucchíní (ábout 1 1/2 zucchínís)
3/4 cup dárk chocoláte chíps
1/3 cup chopped wálnuts

Preheát oven to 350 degrees.
Prepáre á 8×4 loáf pán by greásíng the bottom ánd sídes (you cán greáse wíth coconut oíl, butter, or PáM cookíng spráy) Líghtly dust wíth flour ánd sháke out excess flour.
ín á medíum bowl, ádd flour, bákíng powder, bákíng sodá, sált, ground cínnámon, ánd ground nutmeg. Whísk together.
ín á lárge bowl, ádd honey, unsweetened ápplesáuce, coconut oíl, egg, ánd váníllá extráct. Whísk together untíl smooth.

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