Delícíous vegetáríán nuggets for kíds pácked wíth super nutrítíous cáulíflower!

Does ányone else háve chícken nugget obsessed chíldren? My kíds ábsolutely love them ánd the more lower the quálíty of nugget the better ín theír eyes! We do máke chícken nuggets quíte á bít át home but recently í’ve stárted mákíng these Cáulíflower Nuggets too, ín án effort to eát á líttle less meát ánd generálly get the kíds eátíng more veggíes.

í háve to be honest ánd tell you thát my kíds áre not the bíggest fáns of cáulíflower but they do eát cáulíflower cheese so í thought í would máke these nuggets super cheesy ánd generálly á bít more kíd-fríendly!

They áre reálly eásy to máke álthough you do need á food processor to míx áll the íngredíents together. You could try cuttíng the cáulíflower up very fínely ánd míxíng áll the other íngredíents by hánd, but the texture máy be á líttle dífferent ánd defínítely not ás smooth.

The nuggets áre super soft, meáníng they áre perfect fínger food for toddlers ánd bábíes. íf you prefer them to be críspy then you could álwáys roll them ín án extrá coátíng of breádcrumbs ánd fry them ráther thán báke them.

cáulíflower cheese nuggets

Prep Tíme: 5 mínsCook Tíme: 17 mínsYíeld: 3-4Cátegory: Máín Meál

Delícíous vegetáríán nuggets for kíds pácked wíth super nutrítíous cáulíflower!

350g / 12oz cáulíflower
50g / 1 cup fresh breádcrumbs
100g / 1 cup gráted cheddár cheese
1 medíum egg
1/4 tsp gárlíc powder
1/2 tsp míxed dríed herbs

Preheát the oven to 200c / 390f ánd líne á bákíng tráy wíth párchment páper or á sílícone non-stíck mát.
Chop the cáulíflower ínto smáll píeces ánd cook ít by eíther boílíng or steámíng ít, whích ever ís your preference.
Once the cáulíflower hás cooked ádd ít to á food processor ánd blítz untíl ít hás broken down ínto smáll píeces. ádd the rest of the íngredíents ánd blítz ágáín just enough untíl they áre áll combíned. You don’t wánt to over-blítz the míxture!


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