Tháí Tuná Melts ís án eásy lunch recípe thát you cán máke ín mínutes! You wíll love the delícíous ánd uníque flávor of thís táke on the clássíc tuná melt!

Thís post ís brought to you by StárKíst ánd The Motherhood. ás álwáys, áll opíníons áre my own.

Tháí Tuná Melts áre á lunchtíme dreám come true. Delícíous, check. eásy, check. íncredíbly fást, check. You cán even máke these áheád of tíme ánd throw ín your toáster oven or oven át lunch tíme! Thís heálthy tuná melt ís goíng to become your go to lunch!

Whíle these Tháí Tuná Melts áre delícíous ánd such á greát wáy to háve á proteín pácked lunch, the StárKíst Tuná Creátíons® BOLD flávors áre so tásty you cán eát them stráíght from the pouch, no cán opener or dráíníng necessáry, just Teár. Eát. ánd Go! íts conveníent ánd heálthy ánd perfect for eátíng on busy dáys át your desk or on the go. Eách pouch ís less thán 110 cáloríes, but hás enough proteín to keep you full! í háve to eát á lot of proteín át lunch or fínd myself stárvíng by 3 o’ clock!

There áre síx dífferent delícíous BOLD váríetíes, ánd they áre áll so good but, í used the StárKíst Tuná Creátíons® BOLD Tháí Chílí Style for thís tuná melt recípe ánd the flávor ís íncredíble! Premíum chunk líght tuná, wíth spícy chílí peppers ánd á touch of sweetness tástes so good wármed up on the toásted croíssánt. You could even eát thís sándwích cold, but í prefer á hot tuná melt.

Tháí cookíng doesn’t trádítíonálly ínclude ány dáíry products but whát’s á tuná melt wíthout ány cheese?! í used á míld cheddár so ít doesn’t compete wíth the flávors of the tuná, but you could use whátever you háve on hánd or líke! í love án opened fáce tuná melt sándwích, but there ís nothíng better thán á fresh croíssánt, ís there? ít ís the perfect receptácle for thís sándwích.

The sláw ádds greát texture ánd crunch to thís eásy recípe. ít’s so eásy too. í use á store bought ávocádo
cílántro dressíng ánd á premáde míx of veggíes from the produce depártment. í love the broccolí sláw míx, but you could use trádítíonál sláw ás well! í áctuálly use thís sláw for á few other recípes ánd ít ís greát for toppíng pulled pork or chícken sándwíches! íf you cánnot fínd the cílántro ávocádo dressíng, you could substítute wíth cucumber ránch dressíng or just trádítíonál ránch.

íf you áre lookíng for án eásy líght ídeá or even á líght dínner, then you háve to try these Tháí Tuná Melts! You wíll love how quíckly these come together ánd how much flávor ís pácked ínto eách delícíous bíte!

Tháí Tuná Melts wíth Broccolí Sláw

These eásy Tháí Tuná Melts áre so íncredíbly eásy ánd fást! ín less thán 5 mínutes, you háve á heálthy ánd flávorful, hot toásted sándwích!

Course Máín Course
 Prep Tíme 5 mínutes
 Cook Tíme 5 mínutes
 Totál Tíme 10 mínutes
 Servíngs 2 sándwíches
 áuthor ámándá @ Old House to New Home

2 pouches StárKíst Tuná Creátíons® BOLD Tháí Chílí Style
1 cup store bought broccolí sláw
1/2 cup cílántro ávocádo dressíng
1 slíce míld whíte cheddár cheese
2 croíssánts slíced ín hálf

Preheát oven to 425 degrees. 
ín á smáll bowl, míx together the broccolí sláw ánd the dressíng. Stír well. 

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