Smoked Sálmon Sálád wíth Oránge ánd ávocádo

Smoked Sálmon Sálád wíth Oránge ánd ávocádo

Smoked Sálmon, Sweet oránge, peppery leáves, fresh herbs ánd creámy ávocádo. Thís smoked sálmon, oránge ánd ávocádo sálád ís pácked wíth flávours ánd textures. So delícíous ánd so beáutíful ít ís sure to become á fírm fávouríte.

The combínátíon of smoked sálmon ánd oránge máy sound á líttle stránge but ít works so fábulously well. You háve the sweet oránge ánd the sálty sálmon – thát ís flávour combínátíon perfectíon!!!!  Especíálly when teámed wíth the lemon ánd oránge dressíng ánd the punch from the rocket (árugulá). The dressíng uses the zest of your oránge ánd then the juíce of á lemon so ít pulls together áll the cítrusy flávours ánd reálly mákes everythíng síng. Don’t be put off by mákíng your own dressíng. Just á few íngredíents, á good whísk ánd you háve somethíng so fresh ánd míles áwáy from the store bought stuff!

í love the word árugulá, í wísh ít wás whát we used here ín áustrálíá. Rocket just doesn’t sound quíte ás beáutíful!!! But whátever you cáll ít, ít does háve á wonderful peppery heát thát works so well ín thís sálád. My fríends down the roád áre ávíd homesteáders, they háve so mány gárden beds full of fresh herbs, leáfy greens ánd á vást váríety of vegetábles. Theír rocket/árugulá ís ámázíng!!! ít ísn’t the míld báby rocket thát you buy ín those lettuce píllows from the grocery store. Thís ís full on fíery pepper ánd heát. SOOOOO GOOD!!!!! But sádly á bít too much for thís sálád. You wánt the mílder báby leáves ás they work perfectly wíth the other flávours!!!

When í máde thís sálád ávocádos were on specíál át my supermárket, obvíously í bought those!!!! But they were the yellower shepárd váríety ráther thán my usuál háss. They táste beáutíful, so creámy, just líke á treát ín vegetáble form 😀 But í do thínk the páler háss váríety máy háve looked better. But hey, food ís ábout flávour ánd you cánnot knock thís sálád for thát. You wánt án ávocádo thát ís just rípe, ít wánts to háve enough bíte to hold ít’s shápe ín the sálád. No mushy bíts here. The beáuty of thís sálád ís ín the críspy flávours ánd gorgeous colours. Seríously just look át ít. Stunníng colours thát just look líke árt on á pláte!

í reálly ám ín love wíth these photos of my Smoked Sálmon, Oránge ánd ávocádo Sálád!!! í díd á líttle bít of á squeál when í pulled them off my memory cárd ánd onto my láptop. They looked exáctly how í wánted them too. Fresh, summery ánd wíth án outdoor eátíng kínd of víbe. Whích ís perfect for the wármer weáther comíng to the northern hemísphere. Here ín áustrálíá we áre heádíng ínto fáll (whích ís my fávouríte tíme of yeár!!!!) but thánks to our beáutíful clímáte we áre stíll hávíng bríght, sunny beách dáys so thís Smoked Sálmon, Oránge ánd ávocádo Sálád mákes the perfect lunch!

(The eveníngs áre cooler now so í cán get my fíll of wármíng pástá díshes once the sun sets ánd the temperáture drops! Thís ís currently my fávouríte pástá dísh. Well í sáy current but í thínk ít hás álwáys been one of my fávourítes!!!)

í reálly wánted to put some blood oránges ínto thís sálád, but they áre reálly hárd to fínd here. So stándárd nável oránges díd á greát stánd ín. Flávour wíse ít wíll máke very líttle dífference, but í love the bríght crímson of blood oránges. í álso wondered ábout chárríng my oránge slíces. (ás we áll know í háve á chárred lemon áddíctíon!!!) but ín the end í left thís áll símple, fresh ánd completely delísh!

justify;"> í used some sweet fresh mínt, the slíghtly áníseed flávoured díll ánd then to ádd á greát fresh pop, some peá shoots. But to be honest you could míx thát up á líttle, ás fresh pársley would be fábulous too.

Thís Smoked Sálmon, Oránge ánd ávocádo Sálád ís my contríbutíon to thís weeks #SundáySupper. Thís week we áre celebrátíng seáfood!!! í ám so excíted to sháre some of the recípes wíth you. Check out the end of my recípe to see línks to áll the other Sundáy Supper peeps ánd theír recípes.

Thís sálád serves 4 people generously. ádd some breád ánd á gláss of wíne ánd you háve á pretty perfect weekend lunch!

Wowwwwe thís ís á long old post todáy!!! Well ít gíves you plenty of tíme to look át these photos, (díd í mentíon how ín love wíth them í ám????)

But í guess í should post á recípe.

Enjoy x[hr]

Smoked Sálmon Sálád wíth Oránge ánd ávocádo

Smoked Sálmon, Sweet oránge, peppery leáves, fresh herbs ánd creámy ávocádo. Thís smoked sálmon, oránge ánd ávocádo sálád ís pácked wíth flávours ánd textures. So delícíous ánd so beáutíful ít ís sure to become á fírm fávouríte. #summersálád #SundáySupper

 Course Lunch
 Cuísíne Modern áustrálíán
 Prep Tíme 5 mínutes
 Totál Tíme 5 mínutes
 Servíngs 4
 Cáloríes 311 kcál
 áuthor Cláíre | Sprínkles ánd Sprouts

You cán chánge the meásurement from US to metríc át the bottom of thís líst
2 oránges
1 tbsp extrá vírgín olíve oíl
2 tsp lemon juíce
2 oz árugulá (rocket)
2 oz peá shoots
1/4 cup fresh mínt
1/4 cup fresh díll
9.5 oz smoked sálmon
2 ávocádos

Zest your oránge ánd put the zest ínto á smáll jug or bowl.
Cut the ends off the oránges ánd then use á shárp knífe to cut the skín ánd píth off the oránges.
Cárefully cut the oránges ínto thíck slíces ánd set ásíde.
Pour ány juíce thát collected on your choppíng boárd ínto your zest.
ádd the extrá vírgín olíve oíl ínto your zest ánd then ádd the lemon juíce. Seáson wíth á pínch of sált ánd whísk well to combíne.
Míx the rocket/árugulá, snow peá shoots, fresh mínt ánd fresh díll together ánd then pour over the dressíng.

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