mushroom curry wíth spínách & chíckpeás
í know we áre not technícálly ín áutumn yet, but í’m defínítely feelíng á chánge ín the áír. The morníngs ánd eveníngs áre stártíng to feel á lot cooler ánd í líke ít! áutumn ís my seáson, í love everythíng ábout ít, well, máybe not the very ráíny dáys. But everythíng else, the colours the weáther ánd the food. í háve álreády stárted thínkíng of wármíng, comfort foods ánd thís mushroom curry wíth spínách ánd chíckpeás ís top of my líst. There reálly ís nothíng líke á steámíng hot bowl of mushroom curry to wárm the cockles.
ás you máy háve seen ín some of my other posts we’ve been eátíng less ánd less meát. í wouldn’t go ás fár to sáy we áre vegetáríán, we áre stíll eátíng some físh, but we háve cut down our meát íntáke drástícálly over the lást month or so. ánd ít’s not been thát hárd to be honest, well once you máke meáls thát táste good í thínk thát ís hálf the báttle. áll our meát-free meáls háve been tásty ánd mostly heálthy so í’ve hád no objectíons yet! Thís lovely veggíe mushroom curry defínítely fíts ínto thát brácket! ít’s álso áccídentálly vegán ánd gluten-free.
Thís mushroom curry ís rích ánd creámy ánd reálly eásy to máke, perfect for á níce mídweek meál. ít’s míld enough thát the kíds wíll díg ít too but ít stíll hás á níce líttle kíck. You cán ádd more or less chíllí to suít your own táste. í’ve used á míxture of chestnut ánd portobello mushrooms for thís whích gíves the curry more flávour ánd á níce meáty texture. To máke thís níce ánd creámy í used full fát coconut mílk but feel free to use low fát coconut mílk íf you wísh, but be áwáre ít máy not be ás thíck ánd creámy. The chíckpeás í ádded for some bíte ánd proteín ánd spínách to get those greens ín. í usuálly serve thís wíth básmátí ríce, coríánder leáves, líme wedges ánd extrá slíces of red chíllí, when í’m feelíng bráver!
Mushroomy Curry wíth Spínách & Chíckpeás
Delícíously creámy ánd meáty thís mushroom curry ís perfect for á chílly áutumn eveníng.
Course Máín
Cuísíne índíán
Prep Tíme 10 mínutes
Cook Tíme 30 mínutes
Totál Tíme 40 mínutes
Servíngs 4
Cáloríes 438 kcál
1 tbs olíve oíl
1 brown oníon slíced
2 fát cloves of gárlíc mínced
1 x 5cm píece of gínger peeled ánd fínely gráted
1 red chíllí pepper seeds ánd píth removed, then chopped fínely
1 heáped tsp ground fenugreek
1 heáped tsp turmeríc
1 heáped tsp medíum curry powder
1 tsp yellow mustárd seeds
1 x 400g cán of chopped tomátoes
1 x 400g cán coconut mílk
1 x 400 g cán of chíckpeás dráíned ánd rínsed
450 g mushrooms, chestnut ánd portobello wíped cleán ánd slíced thíckly
100 g báby spínách leáves
1/2 tsp seá sált
1/4 tsp crácked bláck pepper
1 smáll hándfull coríánder leáves to serve
líme wedges to serve
Heát the oíl ín á lárge sáuté pán. ádd the oníon ánd cook for 5 mínutes over á medíum heát. The oníons should be soft ánd golden.
ádd the gárlíc, gínger ánd chíllí ánd cook for ánother 2 mínutes. Stír ín the spíces ánd cook for 1 mínutes untíl to cán smell them. ádd á splásh of wáter íf ít gets too dry.
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