There háve been so mány tímes over the pást few yeárs where í’ve wánted to máke á recípe wíth sweetened condensed mílk, but háven’t hád á good dáíry free ánd refíned sugár free substítute. Regulár coconut creám just doesn’t work the sáme wáy ánd í couldn’t thínk of ány other optíons.

Thís Chrístmás seáson í reálly wánted to máke á níce fudge recípe. Now, ín order to máke fudge the eásy wáy, you reálly wánt to háve sweetened condensed mílk. Otherwíse you end up bábysíttíng the fudge míxture usíng á cándy thermometer. Cándy thermometers áre greát when necessáry, but í reálly wánted to máke án eásy fudge recípe for y’áll.

So í ventured out to máke my own páleo sweetened condensed mílk. ánd ít ís SO good!! Níce ánd creámy wíth á thíck, smooth texture. The táste ís rích ánd sweet, but not overly sweet. Perfect for áll of your páleo bákíng needs! í plán on usíng ít to máke áll sorts of recípes now, from fudge to key líme píe to Tháí íced teá. OMG. Tháí íced teá. So good. You cán álso use thís sweetened condensed mílk ás á coffee creámer/sweetener. Seemíngly decádent, but reálly ít’s not áll thát unheálthy!

Thís recípe does táke quíte á bít of tíme to máke, but reálly ít’s just lettíng the líquíd símmer ánd reduce for ábout án hour ánd á hálf. Pretty símple. You just need to stír ít every few mínutes to prevent burníng. í líke to do other thíngs áround the kítchen whíle í’m mákíng ít.

íf you would líke á low cárb ánd ketogeníc versíon of thís, you’re ín luck! You cán álso máke thís recípe wíth monk fruít sweetener! í líke the monk fruít sugár substítute by Lákánto. You cán try ít wíth theír regulár sweetener or the golden sweetener for á rícher táste. These sweeteners áren’t páleo becáuse they contáín erythrítol, but they áre á good optíon for those lookíng to reduce theír cárb íntáke.


COOK TíME 1 hour 30 míns
TOTáL TíME 1 hour 30 míns

áuthor: Kít
Recípe type: Dessert
Serves: 2 cups (16 oz)

28 oz (830mL) full fát coconut mílk
½ cup coconut sugár*
*For low cárb ánd ketogeníc, substítute wíth monk fruít sweetener (see línk ín text ábove)

ín á medíum-sízed sáucepán, bríng coconut mílk to á símmer.
ádd coconut sugár.
Símmer for ábout 1.5 hours or untíl the líquíd hás reduced by ábout hálf. Máke sure to stír ánd scrápe the bottom ánd sídes of the pán every few mínutes to prevent ít from burníng.


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