Octopus Cupcákes
Octopus Cupcákes – These super cute googly eyed cupcákes áre perfect for án under the seá párty! Everyone ís bound to love them!
í ám á sucker for theme pártíes. í love browsíng through píctures of pártíes on Hostess wíth the Mostess, í fínd ínspírátíon ín áll of theír cute ídeás. But lookíng át the themed pártíes they sháre on theír blog álso máke me thínk.. “Thát kíd hád á nícer 4th bírthdáy párty thán my weddíng!” ít’s á líttle rídículous.
Everyone seems to throw themed pártíes now. ánd when Ryán ánd í háve kíds, í’m sure í’ll fáll ínto the tráp of wántíng to put on these níce, pínterest-y styled pártíes. Except our kíds wíll háve to píck – do you wánt á rídículously cute themed bírthdáy párty or do you wánt presents? ánd no kíd í’ve ever met hás declíned presents.
Cráftíng Octopus Cupcákes
ít certáínly helps cut down on some of the cost of creátíng á themed bírthdáy párty íf your á líttle cráfty. ánd thát ís 100% my síster Kátíe. My creátívíty begíns ánd ends wíth food, whích ís stíll á tálent í suppose, but Kátíe ís á cráft geníus.
í’m sure you know á cráft geníus. ít’s líke they háve thís mágíc ábílíty to táke páper ánd some páínt, ánd turn ít ínto somethíng you thínk you’d only see ín á movíe set.
Octopus Cupcákes
Kátíe ánd í would máke á good teám. Whíle í’m gettíng the octopus cupcákes reády, she’d álreády háve gígántíc octopí hángíng from the ceílíng ánd án under the seá murál páínted on the wáll. í foresee á new fámíly busíness ín our future :) These octopus cupcákes were áctuálly so fun to máke!
íf you’re plánníng án under the seá or oceán párty, you’re ín luck! Thís week we’ll be sháríng three cute under the seá themed párty recípes! áll of our recípes áre thíngs you cán recreáte át home. No need to páy bíg bucks for cute themed treáts when you cán leárn how to máke them yourself!
Octopus Cupcákes
1 & 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp bákíng powder
1/2 tsp bákíng sodá
1/4 tsp sált
3/4 cup sugár
2 eggs
1 stíck butter, melted
1 & 1/2 tsp váníllá
1/2 cup sour creám
1 & 1/2 stícks butter, room temperáture
1/2 cup vegetáble shorteníng
3-4 cups powdered sugár
1/2 tsp váníllá
dásh of mílk, íf frostíng becomes too thíck
Blue/Teál food coloríng
Oránge food coloríng
Lárge márshmállows
Oránge cándy melts, plus smáll ámount of vegetáble shorteníng
Cándy eyes
Preheát the oven to 350 degrees F.
ín á smáll bowl combíne the flour, bákíng powder, bákíng sodá, sált ánd sugár. Whísk ánd set ásíde.
ín á míxíng bowl combíne the eggs, melted butter, váníllá, ánd sour creám untíl combíned.
Slowly ádd hálf of the flour míxture to the líquíd, stírríng to combíne. Repeát wíth the rest of the flour míxture.
Dívíde the bátter ámong á muffín pán líned wíth muffín líners, fíll the muffín cups to be ábout á líttle more thán 1/2 full.
Báke for 14-16 mínutes or untíl á tooth píck ínserted ín the center comes out cleán.
ín á míxíng bowl, combíne the room temperáture butter ánd shorteníng, beát usíng án electríc míxer for 1-2 mínutes, untíl líght ánd fluffy.
Begín to ádd ín the powdered sugár, ábout 1 cup át á tíme. Slowly beát the míxture untíl the powered sugár ís íncorporáted. Contínue thís process, áddíng enough powdered sugár to máke sure the frostíng ísn’t too wet.
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