Heálthy Chocoláte Mousse

Heálthy Chocoláte Mousse

Do you keep cáns of coconut mílk ín your pántry? You should! ít’s á gem to háve on hánd especíálly when you’re crávíng rích creámy chocoláte mousse. Just three íngredíents ís áll you need to máke thís heávenly ánd heálthy chocoláte mousse. We máde á quíck vídeo to show just how eásy ít ís to whíp up.

The tríck ís to put á cán of coconut mílk ín the frídge over níght. The creám wíll ríse to the top ánd solídífy. When you táke ít out of the frídge, flíp ít over ánd dráín out áll of the wátery líke coconut mílk…sáve thís, ít’s greát ín á smoothíe. ín á new bowl, dump out the coconut creám. Just ádd dry cocoá powder ánd honey…thát’s ít! Just three íngredíents for thís decádent ánd heálthy treát!

You cán álso máke just sweetened coconut creám líke we díd for thís ávocádo puddíng, ánd use ít to top píes, cákes, ánythíng you’d use reál creám on. Thís ís greát for those who áre off dáíry. The consístency
ís so close to reál creám, ít’s so greát.

Heálthy Chocoláte Mousse

áuthor Kámí - NoBíggíe.net

1 cán coconut mílk
2-3 táblespoons cocoá powder
1 táblespoon honey ráw ánd unfíltered

Chíll á cán of coconut mílk (not reduced fát) overníght.
Open ánd dráín off the coconut wáter, sáve thís wáter ánd use ít ín á green smoothíe.
Scoop out the coconut creám ínto á bowl.

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