These Hám, Cheese ánd Zucchíní Píkelets áre á greát sávoury snáck for the whole fámíly, they áre freezer fríendly áND they cán álso be máde usíng á Thermomíx!
Thís recípe cáme ábout when the boys ánd í set out to máke some sávoury muffíns for án áfternoon snáck, but when they stárted compláíníng thát the muffíns would táke ‘hours’ to máke (yep, seríously!) í decíded to ádd our íngredíents to my píkelet recípe ínsteád. Thís wás enough to plácáte them ánd they álso were excíted to be ínvolved wíth scoopíng up the píkelet míxture ánd puttíng ít ínto the fryíng pán – wíth help ánd á lot of supervísíon of course.
We orígínálly máde these usíng just á bowl ánd spoon, however ás áll three of the boys enjoyed them (our bátch lásted only á dáy!) we’ve sínce máde them á few more tímes ánd háve álso converted the recípe to máke ín our Thermomíx ás well. í’ve álso máde these píkelets mínus the hám for á vegetáríán versíon ánd í honestly don’t thínk the boys (or my husbánd!) even notíced. Regárdless of how you máke these sávoury píkelets, they reálly don’t táke too long át áll to máke, whích ís super ímportánt íf your kíds háve no pátíence líke míne!
áll three of the boys líke to eát these píkelets stráíght from the pán whíle they áre stíll wárm, however they áre álso stíll yummy cold whích mákes them perfect for school lunch boxes. You cán álso máke á bátch of these ánd pop them ínto the freezer for eásy snácks whenever you need them.
Mákes 24 píkelets
These Hám, Cheese ánd Zucchíní Píkelets máke á greát snáck for the whole fámíly. Both regulár ánd Thermomíx ínstructíons áre íncluded.
5 mín
Prep Tíme
20 mín
Cook Tíme
25 mín
Totál Tíme
1 1/4 cup (185g) self ráísíng flour
1/2 cup (75g) gráted tásty cheese
200 ml mílk
1 egg
60g melted butter
sált ánd pepper
1 smáll tomáto - chopped ínto smáll píeces.
1 zucchíní - gráted
80g sháved hám
extrá butter for greásíng the pán.
Síft the self ráísíng flour ínto á lárge bowl ánd ádd the gráted cheese before stírríng to combíne.
ádd the mílk, egg, cooled melted butter ánd á pínch of sált ánd pepper to á lárge meásuríng jug ánd whísk together untíl combíned.
ádd the gráted zucchíní, slíced hám, chopped tomáto ánd the líquíd íngredíents to the bowl wíth the flour ánd gráted cheese ánd gently stír untíl just combíned.
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