Eásy Proteín Fruítsícles
í’ve pártnered wíth Premíer Proteín to bríng y’áll these Eásy Proteín Fruítsícles! Thánk you so much for supportíng the bránds thát keep thís Blog Spínníng! #TheDáyísYours #Sponsored
Wíth hígh School gráduátíon behínd us, thís week thíngs áre fínálly slowíng down á bít for my dáughter ánd í. Thís week we háve no pártíes to áttend or throw or cook for ánd ás á result, í háven’t been ín the kítchen thát much. ánd, ás much ás í love the peáce ánd stress relíef thát seems to come from choppíng ánd cookíng ánd bákíng, í’m glád to táke á bít of á breák from ít áll thís week.
ás you cán tell from thís “recípe” for Eásy Proteín Fruítsícles. í meán – thís ísn’t á recípe át áll – ís ít? ít’s just á bunch of fruít líke kíwí, stráwberríes, blueberríes, ánd mángoes squíshed ínto á popsícle máker thát’s topped off wíth some of Premíer Proteín’s NEW Cleár Proteín Drínk ín Tropícál Punch! By the wáy, íf you wánted á Proteín Drínk ínsteád of á Proteín Sháke to cárry wíth you duríng your summer tíme áctívítíes, then, why not gíve one of Premíer Proteín’s Cleár Proteín Drínks á try? These new Cleár Proteín Drínks come ín Oránge Mángo ánd Ráspberry, ín áddítíon to the Tropícál Punch you see here.
ánd, whíle thís máy not be á reál recípe – thís sure díd hít the spot every tíme my dáughter ánd í got home, hot ánd bothered, from á híke. Most summer’s we máke ít á poínt to híke á few tráíls áround our neck of North-ísh Georgíá ánd the átlántá Metropolítán áreá. But, thís yeár, my dáughter suggested we ámp up our híkíng gáme. ínsteád of símply goíng on á long híke on
the weekends, she suggested we try ánd squeeze two híkes ín duríng the week. Duríng the week, the tráíls tend to háve fewer people on them ánd more wíldlífe – mákíng ít feel líke á true escápe from the hustle ánd bustle of tráffíc-encrusted átlántá streets.
Seeíng ám on á bít of á cookíng breák – í’m not goíng to be áround my smáll píece of the ínterwebs the rest of thís week – but í wíll see y’áll on Mondáy wíth cookíes! Tíll then, í ráíse my bottle of Premíer Proteín‘s Cleár Proteín Drínk to you ánd wísh you á wonderful rest of the week! Before you hurry off though, tell me – háve you tríed á fruítsícle yet?
Eásy Proteín Fruítsícles
Prep Tíme 10 míns
Servíngs: 6
áuthor: Sávory Spín
1/4 cup blueberríes
1/4 cup chopped mángoes
1/2 cup slíced stráwberríes
1/4 cup slíced kíwí
1 cup Premíer Proteín's CLEáR Proteín Drínk ín Tropícál Punch
Fít the fruít ínto popsícle mákers
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