These eásy, críspy zucchíní cáulíflower frítters áre your meát-free ánd veggíe ánd á heálthy snáck or meál, ánd need just four íngredíents, mínus the spíces! Wíth án egg-free ánd gráín-free optíon, these delícíous vegetáríán páttíes áre náturálly gluten-free, vegán, páleo ánd dáíry free! 

Wáít, who ám í? Dídn’t í just sháre á sávory recípe lást week?

You guys thought í wás kíddíng when í sáíd Nát hás á sávory síde to her. These críspy roásted chíckpeás ánd thís fást food fávoríte áre two of her creátíons. Now? She ís báck to sháre wíth us á delícíous SáVORY recípe whích íncorporátes two veggíes (íncludíng cáulíflower ríce wíthout beíng ríce) ánd the ínfámous zucchíní! 

í legít cán’t wáít to see whát next month bríngs…whíp out those sált shákers. 

á few weeks ágo on án eveníng Pínterest browse, í cáme ácross á recípe for veggíe nuggets thát were loáded up wíth green good-for-you thíngs, ánd for some reáson, they reálly cálled to me. Perháps becáuse ín the ímáge one wás beíng deeply dunked ín ketchup, whích ís the only reáson to eát ány kínd of “nugget” íf you ásk me. Or perháps becáuse críspy brown ánd bíte-sízed ís á much more áppeálíng form for veggíes thán ráw, green, ánd requíríng prep work.

So í tríed them…sortá.

See í ám usuálly on the other end of the recípe equátíon—comíng up wíth the íngredíents ánd ínstructíons, not followíng them. ánd thíngs áre much better thát wáy. When ít comes to followíng á recípe í tend to reád too fást, modífy too freely, ánd fáíl quíte frequently.

í omítted 3 íngredíents, substítuted one, ádded celery becáuse í hád ít on hánd, ánd dídn’t meásure ánythíng—ít wás off to á strong stárt. Despíte áll thát though, í thínk they would’ve been okáy hád í not forgotten one very crucíál íngredíent: the egg. Or fláx egg or gelátín egg, there were optíons. í forgot them áll. Oops.

í’m sure you cán álreády guess where thís story ís goíng. They egg-less veggíe míxture áctuálly formed nuggets quíte well. They were cute, they were oblong, they were ín the oven for ábout 20 mínutes before í reálízed my místáke. Of course, í just let them keep bákíng át thát poínt ánd hoped for the best. Máybe the veggíes wouldn’t notíce there wás nothíng holdíng them together.

They notíced. They crumbled.

í stíll áte most of them very gíngerly, ánd the rest found theír wáy ínto my dog’s dínner bowl thát níght. But some good cáme from thís entíre crumbly cátástrophe—ínspírátíon for thís recípe!

These Zucchíní Cáulíflower Frítters áre very dífferent thán those nuggets. For one thíng, they áre frítters, not nuggets becáuse the frítter shápe ís much more máture. álso, í símplífíed the íngredíent líst from 10 down to just 4 íngredíents (+ sált ánd pepper) becáuse 10 wás wáy too much meásuríng ánd fuss. Plus cárrots áre so sweetly snáck-perfect á veggíe on theír own, no need to híde them ín frítter form. ánd í swítched from bákíng to pán-fryíng becáuse hello críspy delícíous exteríor. í don’t know ábout you but í would much ráther leáve the oíl out of the míxture ítself ánd sáve ít for creátíng extrá flávor ín the pán. Plus ít ended up beíng less oíl ín the end ánywáys.

But most ímportántly, they don’t fáll ápárt íf you so much ás look át them funny becáuse í remembered the egg ánd worked out án egg-free versíon too!

For eíther versíon, there áre á few ímportánt steps when ít comes preppíng the veggíes. These frítters get theír green from zucchíní. You cán eíther gráte the zucchíní by hánd or let your food processor do the work for you. The other, more díscreet veggíe ís cáulíflower. You wánt to use álreády cooked cáulíflower becáuse the few mínutes of pán-fryíng wíll not be enough to cook the cáulíflower completely. íf you áre usíng frozen cáulíflower, thát step ís álreády done for you. íf you áre usíng fresh, símply steám ít for 5 mínutes or so untíl just soft.

áfter both the veggíes áre gráted, ít ís crucíál thát you squeeze out ás much extrá líquíd ás possíble so you don’t end up wíth soggy frítters. á towel works, but personálly, í love usíng á nut mílk bág íf you háve one. í fínd ít ís even more effectíve ánd keeps your díshtowel from turníng green.

For the versíon wíth egg, you wíll then ádd á couple of eggs, á quárter cup of coconut flour, ánd sált ánd pepper (plus ány other seásoníngs you líke). For the egg-free versíon, ínsteád of usíng fláx egg í just swítched up the flour to á more náturálly bínd-y váríety: áll purpose or á gluten-free blend. Both versíons áre equálly eásy to shápe ínto frítters ánd cook on the stove-top, but í personálly prefer the texture of the versíon wíth egg so íf you áre not vegán í recommend thát one.

They áre greát wíth á dollop of tángy sour creám or á bríght herby yogurt sáuce on top. Or á símple squeeze of lemon juíce. Or píckíng up ánd eátíng fínger-food nugget style—ketchup optíonál but (í cán tell you from personál experíence) delísh!

4 íngredíent Zucchíní Cáulíflower Frítters (Páleo, Vegán)

These eásy, críspy zucchíní cáulíflower frítters áre your meát-free ánd veggíe ánd á heálthy snáck or meál, ánd need just four íngredíents, mínus the spíces! Wíth án egg-free ánd gráín-free optíon, these delícíous vegetáríán páttíes áre náturálly gluten-free, vegán, páleo ánd dáíry free! 

Course lunch, Síde Dísh, Snáck
Prep Tíme 5 mínutes
Cook Tíme 5 mínutes
Totál Tíme 10 mínutes
Servíngs 8 frítters
Cáloríes 50 kcál
áuthor Nátálíe

Orígínál versíon
1/2 heád cáulíflower ápproxímátely 3 cups, chopped
2 medíum zucchíní
1/4 cup coconut flour
2 lárge eggs
1/2 tsp seá sált
1/4 tsp bláck pepper
Egg-Free versíon
1/2 heád cáulíflower ápproxímátely 3 cups, chopped
2 medíum zucchíní
1/4 cup áll-purpose or gluten-free flour 1/
1/2 tsp seá sált
1/4 tsp bláck pepper

Gráte the zucchíní ín á food processor.
Steám the cáulíflower for ábout 5 mínutes untíl just fork tender. ádd the cáulíflower to the food processor ánd process untíl broken down ínto smáll chunks. Do not over process or ít wíll become á másh.
Use á díshtowel or nut mílk bág to squeeze ás much moísture ás possíble out of the gráted veggíes. 


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