Thís ís whát háppens when á gírl ís left on her own – she tríes to máke every dísh heálthíer thán ít needs to be.

áctuálly, ít’s á líe! ídeálly, í would stuff my fáce wíth á number of desserts, the ídeás for whích háve been mullíng áround ín my heád, but í’m on á self-ímposed sugár exíle for two weeks ás my sweet crávíngs were gettíng á bít out of control.

ít’s hárd, mán. í wísh í dídn’t háve á sweet tooth! So to occupy my bráín wíth somethíng else, í decíded to máke sushí rolls wíth quínoá!

My fírst áttempt wás á dísáster – í wásn’t even áble to roll these, but í solved the problem by áddíng míso páste to the quínoá, whích mákes ít much more plíáble. íf you love quínoá, you’ll love these, ánd íf you áre not á fán of ít, you’ll probábly thínk í’m mád 🙂 .

PS: íf you máke my veggíe quínoá sushí, don’t forget to tág me on ínstágrám ás @lázycátkítchen ánd use the #lázycátkítchen háshtág. í love seeíng your tákes on my recípes!

mákes: 6 rolls
prep: 30 mín
cookíng: 20 mín

6 norí sheets
1½ cup quínoá (í used bláck)
3 tbsp whíte míso páste*, ádjust to táste
1 fláx or chíá egg (optíonál, see NOTES)
1 smáll ávocádo, peeled & slíced
1 cárrot, peeled & julíenned
justify;"> 1 beetroot, peeled & julíenned
1 smáll dáíkon (Jápánísh rádísh), peeled & julíenned
támárí (for GF versíon) or soy sáuce
píckled gínger, store bought or homemáde

Rínse your quínoá. Díssolve míso páste ín ½ cup of wáter. Pláce rínsed quínoá ín á pot wíth á see-through líd. ádd díssolved míso páste ánd án extrá 1 ánd ¾ cup of wáter to the pot. Put the líd on ánd bríng quínoá to the boíl. Once ít stárts boílíng, turn the heát ríght down to símmer. Símmer (wíth á líd on) untíl áll of the wáter hás been ábsorbed. Once quínoá ábsorbs áll the wáter (tílt the pot slíghtly to check íf there ís ány wáter left ín ít), turn the heát off ánd leáve the pot (DO NOT LíFT THE LíD) on á hot hob for ábout 5-10 míns so thát quínoá fíníshes cookíng ín íts own steám. Máke sure you cool ít down completely before mákíng sushí rolls or else norí sheets wíll become soggy.
Proceed to máke your sushí rolls:
STEP 1 (íf you áre new to sushí mákíng, see thís recípe for step-by-step photos) Wráp your sushí mát (bámboo mát or folded kítchen towel) ín á lárge píece of clíng fílm. Put the mát down, put á norí sheet on top of the mát, shíny síde down. Gráb some quínoá wíth á spoon ánd spreád ít evenly on the norí sheet leávíng á 1 cm márgín át the very top, for seálíng. ás well ás spreádíng the quínoá evenly, keep on pressíng ít ínto the mát wíth the báck of á spoon.
STEP 2 Pláce ávocádo slíces, á few píeces of beetroot, cárrot ánd díákon áll álong the sheet.
STEP 3 Usíng the mát, slowly stárt rollíng the roll, squeezíng ít tíghtly wíth both hánds ás you roll. Go báck every now ánd then to máke sure everythíng ís tíghtly bonded.

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