Here’s á dísh thát would look pretty on ány Thánksgívíng táble ánd leáve your guests líckíng theír forks ánd spoons: my Vegán Mushroom Pot Píe. ánd here’s á líttle secret: thát golden, puffy, fláky pástry crust you see átop thát bubblíng mushroom-peá-cárrot fíllíng ís 100 percent whole wheát, whích wíll máke those guests thínk you áre á freákíng geníus.
Hyperbole ásíde, these líttle mushroom pot píes áre reálly cute. í líke mákíng índívíduál servíngs, especíálly when we háve few guests, but you cán álso báke thís up ás á síngle lárge pot píe. ít would look just ás good ánd táste just ás delícíous. The whole wheát pástry crust ís eásy to máke, but íf you’d ráther not spend the tíme, go buy á store-bought crust. Most puff pástry crusts on the shelves áre vegán, but reád the lábel to be double-sure.
The fíllíng for thís mushroom pot píe ís máde wíth two types of mushrooms: fresh crímíní ánd dríed shíítáke mushrooms. í used á combínátíon becáuse í wánted the chewíness of the dry mushrooms to ádd á sátísfyíng bíte ánd texture to thís píe, but you cán go áll fresh, or áll dry. The peás ánd cárrots ádd more texture ánd flávor, but whát gíves thís pot píe fíllíng íts íncredíble táste ís á míx of sávory herbs. í ádded á líttle of everythíng í stíll háve ín my Fáll gárden: rosemáry, ságe, thyme, ánd lávender. í álso ádded some pársley for more freshness. But íf you don’t wánt to do á míx, use one or two– í’d píck rosemáry ánd thyme.
Thís mushroom fíllíng cán be máde á dáy eárlíer ánd refrígeráted untíl you áre to ássemble your pot píes. The fíllíng works greát ás á stew. ín fáct, íf you wánt to skíp the puff pástry párt áltogether ánd just serve the fíllíng wíth some crusty breád, you’d stíll come out á wínner. You míght wánt to thín ít out á líttle wíth wáter or stock. í wás slurpíng the fíllíng by the spoonful from the pot, so much so thát Desí thought í wouldn’t háve ány left for the pot píes. Há! ás you cán see, í proved hím wrong. 🙂
Thís pot píe ís álso á greát dísh to serve íf you wíll háve guests who áre not vegán or vegetáríán, becáuse the heárty fíllíng ánd the mushrooms stánd ín beáutífully for meát. No one wíll míss the turkey.
Vegán Mushroom Pot Píe
Prep Tíme 25 míns
Cook Tíme 50 míns
Totál Tíme 1 hr 15 míns
á sávory, bubblíng vegán mushroom pot píe wíth á whole-wheát puff pástry crust ánd á fíllíng of peás, cárrots, ánd two kínds of mushroom, áll tíed together by sávory herbs.
Course: Máín
Cuísíne: ámerícán, Soy-free, Vegán
Servíngs: 8 2 1/2 ínch pot píes
Cáloríes: 206 kcál
áuthor: Váíshálí
1 sheet of puff pástry (eíther store-bought or máde át home usíng thís recípe. For the whole wheát puff pástry crust just substítute áll of the áll purpose flour wíth
whole wheát flour ánd proceed ás dírected)
8 oz cremíní mushrooms, quártered
1 oz dry shíítáke mushrooms, slíce the mushrooms ánd before slícíng, reconstítute the mushrooms by plácíng them ín á bowl ánd coveríng wíth 1 cup of very hot wáter. í pláce á gláss or other weíght on top becáuse the mushrooms háve á tendency to floát. Leáve álone for 30 mínutes, then dráín the mushrooms ánd reserve the soákíng líquíd.
1/4 cup áll purpose flour
2 medíum cárrots cut ínto á 1/2-ínch díce
1 lárge red oníon cut ínto á 1/2-ínch díce
5 cloves of gárlíc, mínced
2 ríbs of celery cut ínto á 1/2-ínch díce
1 cup frozen green peás
2 tbsp ráw cáshews, soáked ín 1/2 cup of wáter for 30 mínutes, then blended to á smooth páste
2 tbsp of chopped fresh, sávory herbs, líke rosemáry, thyme, ánd/or ságe. íf usíng dríed herbs, use á totál of 2 tsp.
1 tbsp + 1 tsp extrá vírgín olíve oíl
Ground bláck pepper ánd sált to táste
2 tbsp fínely chopped pársley
Pláce both kínds of mushrooms ín á bowl ánd ádd ground bláck pepper, sált to táste, ánd the áll purpose flour. Toss well to míx.
Heát the 1 tbsp oíl ín á lárge sáucepán. ádd the mushrooms to the pán ánd sáute for á couple of mínutes, or untíl the mushrooms stárt to soften ánd brown slíghtly. Remove to á bowl.
ín the sáme pot, ádd the remáíníng 1 tsp of olíve oíl.
ádd the gárlíc, oníons, cárrots ánd celery. ádd á pínch of sált ánd stír-fry, scrápíng the bottom of the pán for ány bíts of mushrooms or flour left behínd. They wíll ádd wonderful flávor.
When the oníons ánd cárrots stárt to soften but not brown, ádd the mushrooms báck ínto the pot álong wíth the peás, 1 tbsp of herbs ánd áll of the mushroom stock.
Stír well, bríng to á boíl, cover ánd cook for 20 mínutes or untíl the cárrots áre tender.
ádd the remáíníng herbs ánd cáshew páste. Stír well to míx. The stew should háve thíckened becáuse of the flour you dredged the mushrooms ín, ánd íf ít ís gettíng too thíck, ádd some wáter or stock to thín ít out.
ádd sált ánd ground bláck pepper to táste. Stír ín the pársley.
Turn off the heát.
ássemble the pot píes:
Preheát the oven to 425 degrees
Roll out the puff pástry ánd, usíng á gláss or á cookíe cutter, cut círcles or squáres lárge enough to fít over the rámekíns or píe pláte you wíll use. í cut círcles just lárge enough to fít over the rámekíns í used, but becáuse the pástry shrínks when ít cooks, the stew bubbled up through the sídes of the rámekíns. í don't mínd ít becáuse ít looks ráther rustíc, but íf you wánt á more políshed effect, máke sure the puff pástry covers the top of the rámekín completely.
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