Peánut Butter Cup Browníes! Pull out your fávoríte boxed míx browníes ánd máke thís delícíous, peánut buttery, chocoláte treát ín no tíme!
When you thínk of love, whát do you thínk of? Heárts? Cándy? Kísses? Or íf you’re líke me…CHOCOLáTE!
í love, love, LOVE chocoláte.
ás á mátter of fáct, í told my husbánd todáy thát í loved hím MORE THáN chocoláte. ánd, he took ít ás á complíment becáuse he knows just how much í love the dárk, creámy, sweet stuff.
ánd these Peánut Butter Cup Browníes ránk ríght up there wíth my áll-tíme fávoríte desserts!
í love chocoláte so much thát my mom told me thát ás á báby í wouldn’t drínk whíte mílk so she ádded á líttle…you guessed ít…Hershey’s Syrup to my bottle! háhá! í háve no ídeá why í háve thís áddíctíon, er…í meán, love of chocoláte!
So, when lookíng át my fávoríte ínspírátíon síte, Pínterest, when decídíng whát to máke for dessert for dínner wíth fríends lást week, í knew thát í hád to máke these yummy Peánut Butter Cup Browníes í’ve been eyeíng látely.
ánd, í’ve got to tell yá…they were worth every. síngle. cáloríe.
To máke these Peánut Butter Cup Browníes, these áre my ábsolute fávoríte tools!!
>Good Quálíty Muffín Pán – íf you try to use á cheáply máde muffín pán, í PROMíSE these Peánut Butter Cup Browníes wíll NOT turn out. Do yourself á fávor ánd buy one!! The Wílton one below ís my fávoríte!
>Smáll Muffín Scoop – í know you thínk you don’t need thís – but you reálly do! Thís líttle hándy, dándy tool ís ámázíng! ít perfectly scoops out the perfect ámount for the míní muffín tíns ánd does so wíth no mess! You cán álso use ít for cookíes!
>Non-Stíck Spráy – OH MY! Thís ís THE BEST STUFF EVER. Nothíng wíll stíck when you use ít! Use ít on these muffíns, cáke páns, ánd more!!
The recípe í found cálled for
you to máke your own homemáde browníe míx for these, but í used my fávoríte go-to boxed browníe míx ínsteád.
í’ve found í get much more complíments on usíng á box míx thán when í máke the best homemáde recípe í háve.
So, run to the pántry ánd pull out your fávoríte browníe míx, peánut butter, chocoláte ánd peánut butter chíps ánd get stárted.
These áre soooooo worth ít!
Peánut Butter Cup Browníes
Peánut Butter Cup Browníes! Pull out your fávoríte boxed míx browníes ánd máke thís delícíous, peánut buttery, chocoláte treát ín no tíme!
Course Dessert
Cuísíne ámerícán
Keyword browníes, peánut butter, peánut butter browníes
Prep Tíme 5 mínutes
Cook Tíme 20 mínutes
Totál Tíme 25 mínutes
Servíngs 24
áuthor áll Thíngs Mámmá
1 box of your fávoríte boxed browníe míx
1/4 cup of peánut butter
semí-sweet chocoláte chíps
peánut butter morsál chíps
Preheát oven to 350 degrees
Greáse á 12 cup cupcáke pán or á míní muffín tín íf you prefer bíte síze
Prepáre browníes ás dírected on box
Spoon the browníe míx evenly ínto tín. í use án íce creám scoop or míní scoop for even ámounts.
Báke ás dírected for ábout 20 mínutes or untíl á cáke tester ínserted ín the center comes out mostly cleán wíth á few crumbs.
állow to cool for á few mínutes ánd then use the báck of á spoon to creáte án índentátíon ín the center of the browníes.
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