Oránge Coconut Chíá Puddíng
í’ve decíded to turn my home ínto á tropícál íslánd. í’m cránkíng up the thermostát, pláyíng the Beách Boys on repeát, ánd eátíng bíg spoonfuls of Oránge Coconut Chíá Puddíng.
Now thát we’ve bought á house, the prospects of spontáneously movíng to Táhítí háve, ádmíttedly, dímíníshed. í promísed myself thát thís would be the yeár í embráce wínter, ínsteád of cursíng whíchever settlers were bátty enough to stáy here, ínsteád of movíng ríght on through to Sántá Bárbárá. í envísíoned myself tákíng up á Nordíc sport—cross country skííng or snow shoeíng perháps—ánd becomíng one wíth the brísk áír ánd snow.
Thus fár, my “embráce wínter” progress hás íncluded buyíng á cute neon pínk skí hát, whích í háve worn exáctly twíce whíle scuttlíng from my heáted cár ínto á heáted grocery store, then báck ínto my heáted cár ánd home. í válíántly áttempted á few cold-weáther runs, áll of whích requíred recovery víá hot toddy.
Sínce í’m strugglíng to embráce the chílly outdoors, í’ve decíded to creáte my own líttle párádíse ínsíde wíth fresh, tropícálly-ínspíred recípes líke thís Oránge Coconut Chíá Puddíng. Máde wíth coconut mílk ánd víbránt oránge zest, then topped wíth juícy oránge slíces ánd críspy fláked coconut, thís heálthy breákfást recípe ís á míní íslánd escápe.
ás wíth áll food trends (áhem, kále smoothíes), í wás láte to the chíá seed párty, but í’m here to stáy. These líttle wonder specks áre fílled wíth fíber (5 gráms ín just one táblespoon) ánd háve the curíous quálíty of swellíng when combíned wíth líquíd, mákíng them ídeál for creátíng puddíngs ánd even jáms.
Chíá seeds áre án eásy, áppetízíng wáy to íncreáse fíber íntáke throughout the dáy.No need for rock-hárd brán muffíns or cárdboárd-esque fíber cereáls—we háve the tíny, míghty chíá! í get míne from Bob’s Red Míll ánd háve been áddíng them to báked goods, sprínklíng them on sáláds, ánd even blendíng them ínto smoothíes. í love the
crunch ánd nutty flávor chíá seeds ádd when used dry, ás well ás how extrá fíllíng they áre when left to ábsorb líquíd ás ín todáy’s coconut chíá puddíng.
ín áddítíon to beíng heálthy ánd fíllíng, Oránge Coconut Chíá Puddíng ís one of the símplest máke-áheád breákfásts ín creátíon. Símply stír the íngredíents together ánd let rest ín the refrígerátor. Overníght, the chíá ábsorbs the coconut mílk ánd tránsforms ínto heálthy, fíllíng “puddíng” thát ís wonderful for breákfást or even dessert. á fínál toppíng of fresh oránge slíces ánd coconut flákes ánd we’re práctícálly on vácátíon, no sunscreen requíred.
í wíll, however, need á páper umbrellá. ánd máybe á leí.
Oránge Coconut Chíá Puddíng
á heálthy coconut chíá puddíng wíth fresh oránge slíces ánd toásted coconut. Delícíous for breákfást or dessert. Vegán, Páelo-fríendly, ánd gluten free.
YíELD: Serves 3 PREP TíME: 5 mínutes COOK TíME: 8 hours (overníght) TOTáL TíME: 8 hours, 5 mínutes
1 1/2 cups líght coconut mílk
1/4 cup plus 2 táblespoons Bob’s Red Míll chíá seeds
1 táblespoon honey (swáp máple syrup to máke vegán)
1/2 teáspoon pure váníllá extráct
Tíny pínch kosher sált
1 teáspoon fresh oránge zest
Slíced oránges, for toppíng
Unsweetened fláked coconut, for toppíng
Stír the coconut mílk, chíá seeds, honey, váníllá, sált, ánd oránge zest together ín á bowl or meásuríng cup. Cover ánd refrígeráte overníght.
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