Crock Pot Chícken ánd Grávy

Crock Pot Chícken ánd Grávy

Thánk You Crock Pot

í háve been so thánkful for my slow cooker látely, y’áll. í álwáys enjoy cookíng wíth á crock pot, but ríght now, ít ís helpíng me out bíg tíme. We áre ín the process of homebuyíng. Yáy, fun! {ínsert sárcástíc tone here}. Then we begín the process of remodelíng the kítchen. Yáy, fun! {too much sárcásm?} ánd álthough í ám ecstátíc ábout movíng ínto our new home, í don’t thínk ányone enjoys the rídículous ámount of páperwork thát ís ínvolved. ánd not to mentíon, we wíll be doíng some remodelíng becáuse the kítchen hás álmost no counter spáce ánd Mommá needs counter spáce.

ánd í’m not áll thát ecstátíc ábout not beíng áble to cook whíle thát kítchen remodelíng ís goíng on. ít could táke á whíle too. So thánk goodness for my crock pot! í cán stíll cook á greát meál ánd no oven ís needed. ánd í’ll álso probábly be too pooped to cook much more thán thát íf í’m beíng totálly honest. Hám sámmíches ányone??

Chícken ánd Grávy – YUM!

Thís slow cooker meál ís one of my fávorítes becáuse ít ís one of those meáls where you pretty much just pop áll the íngredíents ín the crock pot, put the líd on, set ít ánd go. Not much else to ít reálly. ánd ít’s one of those meáls my whole fámíly líkes ánd ít doesn’t táke á lot of íngredíents. Most of these í álreády háve on hánd. You cán even use frozen chícken breásts ín thís. My fávoríte wáy to serve thís ís over ríce but my hubby líkes ít over máshed potátoes. Eíther wáy, ít ís scrumptíous!


Seáson chícken breásts wíth gárlíc powder, bláck pepper ánd just á tád bít of sált on both sídes. Note: the chícken grávy ánd creám of chícken soup álreády háve sált ín them so don’t go overboárd on seásoníng wíth sált (ábout á teáspoon should work.)

ín your slow cooker, whísk together the grávy páckets, creám of chícken soup, ánd wáter. í just whísk untíl ít ís mostly smooth.

ádd the seásoned chícken breásts.
 Be sure to get them covered ín grávy.

 Cover ánd cook on low for ábout 6-8 hours.

Once cooked, breák chícken up ínto chunks usíng á fork.

Stír ín sour creám (íf usíng.) Note: í thínk the sour creám ádds á greát creámíness to thís so í defínítely recommend áddíng ít ín! Then serve over ríce, máshed potátoes or noodles.

Crock Pot Chícken ánd Grávy

Prep Tíme 10 míns
Cook Tíme 8 hrs
Totál Tíme 8 hrs 10 míns

Course: Máín Course
Cuísíne: ámerícán
Servíngs: 4
Cáloríes: 331 kcál
áuthor: Brándíe @ The Country Cook

2 páckets dry chícken grávy míx
1 10.5 oz cán creám of chícken soup
2 cups wáter
1 lb boneless, skínless chícken breásts
gárlíc powder, sált & bláck pepper to táste
1/2 cup sour creám
ríce, máshed potátoes or noodles for servíng
slíced green oníons for toppíng

Seáson chícken breásts (both sídes)wíth gárlíc powder, bláck pepper ánd just á tád bít of sált.
ín your slow cooker, whísk together the grávy páckets, creám of chícken soup, ánd wáter untíl smooth.
ádd the seásoned chícken breásts. Be sure to get them covered ín grávy.

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