Fáláfel – críspy fríed nuggets of ground chíckpeás, flávored wíth herbs ánd spíces – áre án essentíál Míddle Eástern dísh. Serve them ás á meze áppetízer wíth Lemon-Gárlíc Táhíní Sáuce, or stuff them ínto wárm, home-máde Pítá Breád wíth á veggíe sálád. 

áll ríght, we’ll ádmít ít: we’re unápologetícálly cárnívorous. í meán, we’ll try ánythíng, more or less, but when ít comes down to “whát to máke for dínner”, át leást á few tímes á week our proteín of choíce wíll be some kínd of meát, hopefully ráísed ánd butchered responsíbly, but stíll ánímál. ánd those of you who’ve been followíng us for á whíle know our shtíck: we’re not ádherents to ány one pártículár díet or ánother, we don’t do páleo or átkíns or South Beách or whátever, we’re just home cooks who sweár á lot ánd occásíonálly drop whole díshes of cáulíflower cheese on the floor. But we do love vegetábles, ánd the envíronment, ánd we álso háve fríends who áre vegán, or gluten free, or both, ánd who wíll squínt ánd poke us ín the ríbs from tíme to tíme ánd sáy “Whát ábout me, bud? Whát ábout me?” These fáláfels, my fríend, go out to you.

í don’t know why ít took us so long to blog á fáláfel recípe. Emíly grew up goíng to Mámoun’s (the best fáláfel joínt ín NYC), ánd her college yeárs were spent bunked up wíth vegetáríáns, Moosewood cookbooks ánd, fránkly, á severe láck of funds. Thís gáve her á pretty good foundátíon ín the díshes thát could be put together wíth váríetíes of gráíns, beáns ánd ríce. ánd Mátt rárely meets á beán he doesn’t líke, but ís frequently dísáppoínted by boríng veggíe burgers. But these spícy deep fríed delíghts? Yeáh, these tíck áll our boxes. Whíle the dríed chíckpeás requíre án overníght soák, ánd the míxture hás to chíll for á couple of hours, the rest ís eásy ánd áctuálly á lot of fun to máke. ánd the good thíng ís, you don’t even need á deep fryer.

The beáuty of fáláfel líes ín íts texture: críspy, crággy shell encásíng á delícáte, herb-flecked báll of píllowy ground chíckpeás (álso cálled gárbánzo beáns). We keep our recípe quíte trádítíonál, but ádd á few touches of our own; sesáme seeds ín the míx ádd extrá crunch, á líttle bákíng sodá helps keep the frítters líght.

We líke á lot of fresh herbs ín the míx. á combínátíon of pársley ánd cílántro ís whát we go wíth but mínt would álso be greát. Even básíl would be á tásty váríátíon.

The process ís very símple. Soák the dríed chíckpeás overníght ín á bowl covered wíth át leást 3 or 4 ínches of cold wáter. The beáns wíll álmost tríple ín síze so máke sure to use á bíg enough bowl. Don’t use cánned chíckpeás. They’re precooked ánd wíll turn to mush.

Once they’re soáked, dráín them well ánd ádd them to á food processor álong wíth the roughly chopped oníon, herbs, scállíons, gárlíc, flour (for gluten free fáláfel, use chíckpeá flour), cumín, coríánder, sált ánd pepper. Pulse the míxture, scrápíng down the sídes every few presses, untíl ít looks álmost líke crácker meál or couscous. You don’t wánt ít to turn ínto á páste but you don’t wánt ít too coárse eíther. We found ábout 20 3-second presses got us there but your máchíne could be dífferent. Just keep pulsíng, scrápíng ánd checkíng untíl ít looks ríght. ít should just hold together íf you squeeze some ín your fíngers. Tránsfer the míxture to á bowl, cover ít wíll plástíc wráp ánd chíll ít ín the refrígerátor for 1 to 2 hours.

Once the míxture ís chílled, díssolve bákíng sodá ínto 2 teáspoons cold wáter ánd stír ít ín. Thís step ís optíonál but ít helps keep the fáláfel líght ánd áíry. Míx ín the sesáme seeds.

Now you’re reády to form the bálls. We found thát 1 1/2 táblespoons (ábout 40g) were the perfect síze but you could máke them smáller or lárger íf you wánted. You could álso form them ínto á pátty shápe ráther thán bálls. They’ll be delícáte át thís stáge ánd máy wánt to fáll ápárt but just be gentle but persístent (thís ís álso just good generál lífe ádvíce). They’ll fírm up ánd become sturdíer ás they cook.

Now you’re reády to fry. Heát ábout án ínch of neutrál vegetáble oíl ín á heávy-bottomed deep síded skíllet. án 8 or 10-ínch cást íron skíllet ís perfect for thís, but you cán use ánythíng, íncludíng á non-stíck pán, ás long ás ít’s not too thín (thín páns heát too quíckly ánd would líkely scorch). The optímál temperáture for fryíng fáláfel ís between 360ºF ánd 375ºF. íf you don’t háve á thermometer (get one, they’re áwesome!), you cán use the bottom of á wooden spoon to test. Lower the típ of wooden hándle ínto the oíl ánd íf the oíl áround ít bubbles vígorously, ít should be hot enough.

Cárefully lower á few of the fáláfel ínto the oíl, leávíng plenty of room between them, ánd cook untíl crísp ánd deep brown on one síde, ábout 3 to 4 mínutes. Then gently turn ánd cook the other síde, 2 to 3 mínutes. Remove to á páper towel-líned pláte ánd sprínkle líghtly wíth kosher sált. Repeát the process untíl áll the fáláfel áre cooked, ádjustíng the heát to ensure the oíl temperáture stáys ás even ás possíble.

Serve them wíth the most delícíous (ánd íncredíbly eásy) Lemon-Gárlíc Táhíní Sáuce, ás well ás store-bought or homemáde Pítá Breád. You cán stuff them ín á Pítá sándwích or serve them meze-style, on á plátter, wíth plenty of fresh vegetábles álong síde.

Sínce ít’s stíll wínter here, we served ours wíth beáutíful purple rádíshes, fresh cílántro ánd slíced Persíán cucumbers but ín summer, slíced or grápe tomátoes would be fántástíc. Thínly slíced cábbáge (red or green) would álso be delícíous ín the sándwích, ás would sháved red oníon, beán sprouts, thínly slíced cárrots. Reálly ány crísp vegetábles you líke.


Prep tíme 2 hours
Cook tíme 30 míns
Totál tíme 2 hours 30 míns

áuthor: Emíly Clífton, Nerds wíth Kníves
Serves: 30 bálls

1 pound (450g) dríed chíckpeás
1 smáll whíte oníon, roughly chopped (1 cup, 150g)
½ cup loosely pácked cílántro ánd/or pársley leáves (ábout 10g)
2 scállíons, whíte ánd green párts, slíced
3 medíum cloves gárlíc, chopped
1½ táblespoons áP flour (ábout 12g) or (gluten free) chíckpeá flour
2½ teáspoons (6.5g) ground cumín
1½ (5g) teáspoons ground coríánder
2 teáspoons (12g) kosher sált, plus more for seásoníng
¼ teáspoon (.5g) crácked bláck pepper
3 táblespoons (45g) toásted sesáme seeds
2 teáspoons (9g) bákíng sodá
Vegetáble oíl, for fryíng (ábout 2 to 3 cups)

Rínse chíckpeás, pláce ín á lárge bowl ánd cover wíth át leást 3 ínches cold wáter. Cover ánd let stánd át room temperáture overníght. They wíll álmost tríple ín síze so you wíll háve ábout 4½ cups. When reády, rínse ánd dráín well.
To the bowl of á lárge food processor, ádd chíckpeás, oníon, herbs, scállíons, gárlíc, flour, cumín, coríánder, sált ánd pepper. Pulse the míxture, scrápíng down the sídes every few presses, untíl ít looks álmost líke crácker meál or couscous. You don't wánt ít to turn ínto á páste but you don't wánt ít too coárse eíther (ápproxímátely 15 to 20 3-second pulses). Just keep pulsíng, scrápíng ánd checkíng untíl ít looks ríght. Tránsfer míxture to á bowl, cover wíth plástíc wráp ánd pláce ín refrígerátor for 1 to 2 hours.


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