coconut lemon blíss bálls

coconut lemon blíss bálls

í’ve álwáys seen these super whíte, fresh lookíng blíss bálls over Pínterest yet í hád never áttempted to máke them myself. Of course í háve máde mány blíss báll recípes but not ones thát áre pretty ín whíte (oh they just look so mágícál don’t they?!). íntroducíng my Coconut Lemon Bálls, á very símple ánd tásty treát for you to máke. These beáutíes áre gluten free ánd no báke. They cáme out exáctly the wáy í píctured them!

Now we áll love blíss bálls but sínce they áre so íncredíbly eásy, you wánt them to be ábsolutely ámázíng ríght?! Only 5 íngredíents ánd you wíll háve yourself á bátch of beáutíful, fresh, líght, delícíous sweet treáts! There ís no chocoláte ín síght whích ís very very ráre for me. áfter mákíng these coconut lemon bálls, my mum mentíoned to me thát chocoláte on them would be fábulous! í 100% ágree becáuse when ísn’t chocoláte á good ídeá..? So í welcome you to ádd chocoláte to your blíss bálls íf you desíre. Díp them ín melted chocoláte, drízzle them ín chocoláte or completely coát them ín melted chocoláte, the optíons áre endless! Thís ís such á wonderful báse coconut báll recípe wíth á touch of fresh lemon thát ít’s á greát on-the-go snáck ídeá ánd completely versítíle! Now í díd use honey ín míne but íf you wánt to máke them completely vegán, just swítch out the honey for máple syrup, símple ás thát!

Gluten free
No báke
5 íngredíents
áll done ín the processor = less cleáníng = more eátíng tíme

ás you probábly know by now íf you háve followed my recípes for the pást 6 months, í do enjoy usíng coconut wáter when í báke pártículár recípes. Why? Becáuse ít’s greát! Whenever you see á recípe cáll for á líttle wáter, try coconut wáter for ádded nutríents ánd flávour, you won’t be dísáppoínted. My personál fávouríte coconut wáter ís from Cocobellá. Orgáníc ánd stráíght from the coconut wíth no ádded sugár or preservátíves, yásss… thát ís whát you wánt! Let me know how you go wíth these líttle bítes of delícíousness, enjoy!

Coconut Lemon Blíss Bálls

Prep tíme 15 míns
Totál tíme 15 míns

Lookíng for án íncredíbly símple heálthy sweet treát?! Máke these gluten free coconut blíss bálls ínfused wíth fresh lemon. Only 5 íngredíents ánd no bákíng requíred!

áuthor: Wholesome Pátísseríe
Recípe type: Gluten Free
Serves: 12-16 bálls

2¼ cups desíccáted coconut
Zest of 1 medíum/lárge lemon
Hálf the lemon juíce
2 Tbsp coconut creám, chílled
2 Tbsp Cocobellá Coconut Wáter
3 Tbsp honey

Líne á bákíng tráy wíth párchment páper, set ásíde.
ádd áll íngredíents to á hígh speed food processor.
Pulse á few tímes to íncorporáte íngredíents then process on hígh untíl well combíned ánd míxture begíns to stíck together.
Píck up ápprox. 1-2 Tbsp of míxture to creáte smáll round bálls.

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