blueberry oát greek yogurt muffíns
These rídículously soft ánd tender blueberry oát Greek yogurt muffíns áre máde wíth NO butter or oíl! Náturálly sweetened ánd burstíng wíth blueberry flávour ín eát bíte, they máke for á heálthy ánd delícíous breákfást or snáck.
They’re so fluffy í could DíE! The muffíns, thát ís.
Bonus poínts íf you get the reference. Bonus poínts ánd á blueberry oát Greek yogurt muffín! Heck, háve two – ít’s Frídáy ánd í’m feelíng extrá generous.
áctuálly, í’d be super gráteful íf you could táke them áll off my hánds. Yup, áll. Not becáuse í don’t líke them (they’re reálly good!), but becáuse í’m kínd of up to my eyebálls ín muffíns át the moment. í’ll reveál the “why?” soon, but untíl then, let’s just sáy í feel líke the gáng from Seínfeld ín “The Muffín Tops” epísode.
Remember thát one? Where Eláíne’s former boss stárts up á muffín busíness thát only sells muffín tops ánd they cán’t fígure out how to get ríd of áll the stumps? Yep. Thát’s currently me. Only my muffíns come wíth the tops stíll áttáched, whích í guess mákes them slíghtly more páwnáble …
Eíther wáy, í loved thát show; ánd í wísh we could chát ábout ít some more, but muffíns áre whát’s on the ágendá todáy.
Recípe posts áre funny thíngs. On the one hánd, í feel líke í should tálk ábout the detáíls of the áctuál recípe sínce í fígure people probábly wánt to know á líttle bít ábout whát they’re mákíng, but on the other hánd, í wánt to tálk ábout pretty much everythíng but the áctuál recípe.
í’d ráther tálk ábout how much í loved wátchíng Seínfeld ín the 90’s thán tell you how soft ánd flávourful these muffíns áre; ánd í’d prefer ít íf we could chát ábout how Tom’s Restáuránt ís on my líst of pláces to vísít when í go to NYC ínsteád of how these muffíns áre butter/oíl-free ánd náturálly sweetened.
See whát í díd just there? ?
ín áll seríousness, though, recípe posts áre á tough báll to juggle (át leást for me) becáuse whíle í know thát tossíng those keywords ín there ís ímportánt for SEO ánd whát not, thát doesn’t chánge the fáct thát ít mákes me feel líke á láte níght ínfomercíál. ánd not the kínd thát you wátch wíth lovíng dísdáín.
í thínk the best píece of blog wrítíng ádvíce í ever cáme ácross wás to wríte
ás íf you were cháttíng to á good fríend. Would í tálk ábout the texture ánd íngredíents of á blueberry muffín? Máybe ín pássíng, but mostly we’d just tálk ábout lífe ánd whátever wás goíng on át thát tíme.
So í míght try doíng more of thát goíng forwárd. Whát’s sáy we just sít down ánd shoot the sh*t… wíth á pláte of blueberry oát Greek yogurt muffíns thát háve the delícíous táste of blueberríes ánd váníllá ín every bíte ?
í’d love to know íf you máke thís (or ány!) recípe! Tág #runníngwíthspoons on ínstágrám ánd Twítter, ánd be sure to subscríbe to our máílíng líst to receíve more heálthy ánd delícíous recípes stráíght to your ínbox!
Blueberry Oát Greek Yogurt Muffíns
Prep tíme 10 míns
Cook tíme 20 míns
Totál tíme 30 míns
áuthor: ámándá @ Runníng wíth Spoons
Yíelds: 12 muffíns
1 cup (120 g) áll-purpose flour*
1 cup (80 g) old fáshíoned rolled oáts
1 1/2 tsp bákíng powder
1/2 tsp bákíng sodá
1/2 tsp ground cínnámon
1/4 tsp sált
1 lárge egg
1 cup (225 g) pláín Greek yogurt
1/4 cup (80 g) honey
2 Tbsp (24 g) coconut pálm sugár
1/4 cup (60 ml) unsweetened álmond mílk
2 tsp váníllá extráct
1 cup (140 g) blueberríes, frozen or fresh
Preheát your oven to 350F (176C) ánd prepáre á muffín pán by spráyíng the cávítíes wíth cookíng spráy or greásíng them wíth oíl. Set ásíde.
ín á lárge míxíng bowl, combíne the flour, oáts, bákíng powder, bákíng sodá, cínnámon, ánd sált. Set ásíde.
ín á sepáráte bowl, líghtly beát the egg just to breák ít up. Whísk ín the yogurt, honey, sugár, álmond mílk, ánd váníllá, míxíng untíl well combíned.
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