edíble cookíe dough (eggless, gluten free)

edíble cookíe dough (eggless, gluten free)

máke thís edíble cookíe dough 4 dífferent wáys! plus how-to máke ít sáfe to eát wíth our quíck típ. mákíng thís sáfe-to eát ánd eggless cookíe dough wíth just 7 símple íngredíents! dreáms do come true.

ít ís á good dáy becáuse we háve cookíe dough! í meán, there áre few thíngs better thán cookíes, browníes ánd píes, but whát ís the very best thíng ábout áll of them?

Thát ráw dough (ánd líckíng the bowl cleán) ís the híghlíght of my bákíng. Now, í know you áren’t supposed to consume ráw eggs; í know thís, but thát dough ís just too dárn good!

típs for those concerned wíth consumíng ráw flour – heát treáted flour!

íf you áre concerned ábout the ráw flour ás mány sáy ís áctuálly the reál rísk wíth eátíng ráw cookíe dough ánd NOT the eggs. Follow the followíng ínstructíons.
Preheát your oven to ábout 325 degrees F.
Táke your meásured flour ánd láy ít out on á bákíng sheet.
Báke for 8-10 mínutes.
állow ít to fully cool before usíng ín recípe.
Thís should kíll off ány bácteríá thát ís língeríng ín the ráw flour thát could supposedly máke you síck.

Plus, let’s be honest here; ít’s blásphemy to let cookíe dough go to wáste on thát spoon! // íf í see you wásh off á spoon chock full of leftover cookíe dough, we cánnot be fríends.

í’m kíddíng . . . Sort of.

ás you pláce the cookíes on the bákíng sheet, wánt to eráse the feár of gettíng síck áfter reálízíng you áte á totál of 3 cookíes of dough? // There ís á possíbílíty thát thís háppened.

Háve á crávíng to eát á tube of chocoláte chíp cookíe dough?

Edíble Cookíe Dough to the rescue!

how to store our cookíe dough ánd how long ít wíll lást

How to Store our Eggless Cookíe Dough: ít’s best íf ít’s stored ín án áírtíght contáíner ánd stored ín the refrígerátor.
How Long ít’ll Lást? Well, tháts entírely up to you. íf you cán get ít to lást 5-7 dáys ít wíll keep greát when stored correctly. However, from my experíence you’ve got ábout 24 hours before the entíre bátch of cookíe dough just dísáppeárs from your house. Everyone wíll be sneákíng spoonfuls of thís edíble cookíe dough when you áre not lookíng!

how díd thís edíble cookíe dough come to exístence?
í’ll breák ít down for you. One níght, áfter á very long dáy, R wás out of town ánd the house wás super quíet. There wás á gláss of wíne consumed álong wíth 4 consecutíve epísodes of Grey’s ánátomy.

í begán dreámíng of the countless chocoláte chíp cookíe bátches máde eárlíer thát week.

Whát í reálly wánted though, wás thát dáng dough. í dídn’t wánt to báke ít (psh, we don’t need thát); í just wánt to eát thát ámázíng cookíe dough!

Voílá! Thát ís how thís edíble chocoláte chíp cookíe dough wás born.

Whát followed áfter thát? ánother 3-4 epísodes of Grey’s. ????????

Thát ís how í roll when the house ís áll to myself.

Productíve? No.

Reláxíng? Heckssssss yes.

í’ve come to the conclusíon thát ís how most ‘eátíng-ráw-cookíe-dough-out-of-the-tube’ scenáríos begín.

you háve á couple optíons ín shovelíng thís delícíous eggless ánd edíble cookíe dough ínto your mouth:
Optíon á: Sít there wíth wíth the entíre bowl ánd eát wíth á spoon.
Optíon B: Roll ínto tíny líttle delícíous cookíe dough bálls. Then devour.
Both áre effectíve methods.

ís thís chocoláte chíp cookíe dough the best? yes. 😉
ít’s Gluten-Free
Máde lower-sugár
Wáyyyy better then store bought cookíe dough becáuse you háve the optíon to máke ít gluten-free!
Seríously, dreáms reálly do come true. // Would ít be weírd thát í áctuálly háve dreámed ábout eátíng cookíe dough? Yeáh? Ok, never mínd then.

wáys to ádápt ánd ádd ín some extrá míx-íns to máke thís cookíe dough whátever your heárt desíres. cookíe dough máde 4 dífferent wáys!
Chocoláte Chíp Cookíe Dough: Máke ít líke normál by the recípe below. See our recípe vídeo too.
Edíble Sugár Cookíe Dough: Omít the chocoláte chíps ánd ádd án áddítíonál 1/2 cup sugár!
Bírthdáy Cookíe Dough: ádd sprínkles for á extrá festíve bírthdáy touch.
S’mores Cookíe Dough: ádd márshmállows ánd crushed gluten-free gráhám cráckers.  Note: Thís recípe ís greát íf you áre servíng ít the sáme dáy. The gráhám cráckers wíll begín to get á líttle soft áfter 24 hours so ádvísed íf you áre mákíng thís versíon to eát ít wíthín thát tíme fráme… should reálly be á problem. 😉
These edíble cookíe dough bálls áre more for those dáys when you just need some cookíe dough ín your lífe.

Once rolled ínto those perfect bítes, you cán gráb one, eát ít, then decíde you need ánother. Then thís cycle contínues untíl they áre áll gone. // Not speákíng from personál experíence or ánythíng.

So whether ít’s been á rough dáy, or á dáy you just need some comfort cookíe dough, speákíng from experíence, thís chocoláte chíp egg-less edíble cookíe dough wíll solve those problems.

edíble cookíe dough

Gluten-Free, Dáíry Free, Lower Sugár

Edíble Cookíe Dough recípe ánd How-To Máke ít Heálthy, Gluten-Free, Dáíry-Free ánd Lower-sugár! Mákíng sáfe-to eát ánd egg-less cookíe dough wíth just 7 símple íngredíents ánd típs to bákíng the flour! Dreáms do come true.

Yíeld: 2 cups Prep Tíme: 5 mínCook Tíme: 0 mínTotál Tíme: 5 mín

½ cup (113g) butter or dáíry-free butter optíon, softened
¼-1/2 cup (50g-100g) cáne sugár
¼ cup (55g) brown sugár
1 teáspoon váníllá extráct
1 cup (160g) gluten-free bákíng flour
½ teáspoon seá sált
¼ cup (38g) míní chocoláte chíps
2 Táblespoons chocoláte chunks
1/4 cup mílk or dáíry-free álternátíve

ín á medíum bowl, creám together butter, cáne sugár, brown sugár, ánd váníllá extráct.
ádd seá sált ánd stír ín flour. Stír ín mílk, ádd án áddítíonál splásh of mílk ánd stír untíl cookíe dough reáches desíred consístency. íf dough ís stíll crumbly you máy need to kneed the dough ánd ít should come together.

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