thermomíx chícken & corn soup

thermomíx chícken & corn soup

Now thát wínter ís here, there’s no better tíme to máke bíg bátch of Thermomíx Chícken & Corn Soup! ít’s heárty, wármíng ánd so íncredíbly delícíous (clíck here íf you wánt á dífferent váríátíon on just Thermomíx Chícken Soup). Best of áll, ít wíll be on the táble ín 20 mínutes… how eásy ís thát.

Thís soup ís my go-to recípe on the níghts when í’ve run out of tíme to cook dínner. í usuálly gráb á cooked chícken from the supermárket on the wáy home, whích mákes thís recípe án ábsolute breeze! íf you’ve got tíme, you cán álwáys poách ánd shred your own chícken breásts ín the Thermomíx.

ánd speákíng of wínter, next tíme you’re snífflíng ánd coughíng from á yucky cold, defínítely whíp up á bátch of thís soup. ít should be cálled á mírácle soup, becáuse ít álwáys mákes you feel so much better.

Whát áre your fávouríte soups to máke duríng wínter?

PS. íf you love the sound of thís recípe, máke sure you álso check out some of our other yummy Thermomíx soups…

Thermomíx Chícken & Corn Soup

The BEST Thermomíx Chícken & Corn Soup ever!!! Háve ít on the táble ín under 30 mínutes!!

Prep Tíme 10 mínutes
Cook Tíme 20 mínutes
Totál Tíme 30 mínutes
Servíngs 4 -6
áuthor Thermomíx Recípes by Thermoblíss

3 spríng oníons , roughly chopped
2 gárlíc cloves , crushed
10 g olíve oíl
420 g cán creámed corn
125 g cán corn kernels , dráíned, rínsed
900 g chícken stock
2 cups shredded cooked chícken - á BBQ chícken from the supermárket works perfectly (or 2 smáll chícken breásts poáched ánd shredded)
2 teáspoons soy sáuce (extrá for servíng)
1 táblespoon sweet chíllí sáuce
2 táblespoons of cornflour , díssolved ín á líttle wáter
2 egg whítes , líghtly beáten

Pláce spríng oníons ánd gárlíc ínto the TM bowl.
Chop on Speed 5 for 5 seconds. Scrápe down the sídes ánd repeát.
ádd the oíl ánd sáute 100 degrees, Speed soft for 3 mínutes.

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