Páleo Beef Pho
á quíck Páleo Beef Pho recípe thát’s Whole30 complíánt ánd completely delícíous. ít uses zucchíní ánd kelp noodles to keep ít gluten free, ánd ís full of flávor!
ámídst áll the sweets ánd álcohol recípes, í’m feelíng the need to sháre somethíng on the heálthíer síde. Even íf you don’t wánt á heálthy recípe ríght now (totálly understándáble), you WíLL wánt ít come Jánuáry—promíse!
Excítíng news! í fíníshed my holídáy shoppíng yesterdáy. Woohoo! íf thát doesn’t gíve you á snápshot of just how NOT excítíng my lífe ís, í don’t know whát wíll. í cáme home from teáchíng bárre, took Láylá for á wálk ánd then sáíd PEáCE OUT GíRLFRíEND ánd spent the áfternoon shoppíng+wráppíng gífts. í fígured sínce í wás ín Chrístmás mode, ít wás á good ídeá to just go áheád ánd wráp everythíng before í procrástínáted thát too.
í’ve álso been fíghtíng á míld cold (reád: sore throát) for the pást two weeks, but ít won’t go áwáy becáuse í keep drínkíng every weekend. Wáít—how bád does thát sound? Whát í meán ís thát, when í go out wíth my fríends on Sáturdáys, even íf í only háve two glásses of wíne, í’ll wáke up the next dáy ánd my throát wíll be suuuuuper sore. Then by Tuesdáy-Wednesdáy of the next week ít’ll be fíne, ánd then ít’ll stárt áll over ágáín when Sátrudáy rolls áround. í feel líke á reál ádult would just stáy ín, but í háve so mány pártíes ánd guys, í’ve never felt so populár. So í’m goíng ánd my body wíll just háve to deál wíth síckness.
Totálly máture.
One thíng thát míííííght help á líttle ís thís Páleo beef pho. OMGsh í’m obsessed. í máde ít twíce for good meásure, ánd ít wás excellent both tímes. í followed thís method for mákíng pho ánd then put my own spín on ít by usíng zucchíní noodles (ZOODLES, ftw) ánd kelp noodles ínsteád of ríce noodles. Míguel’s á líttle weírd ábout certáín foods (meáníng he’s á píckíer eáter thán í ám), so í wásn’t sure how he’d feel ábout thís, but much to my surpríse, he loved ít!
Thís Páleo beef pho íS Whole30 complíánt, but whether you’re doíng Whole30 or not, you should defffffínítely try thís recípe!
^^how ugly ís thát soft boíled egg?! í wás hávíng májor díffícultíes peelíng them. UGH. Stíll good though! íf you’re lookíng for ánother páleo-fríendly recípe,
check out thís páleo broccolí shrímp wíth zucchíní noodles..
Páleo Beef Pho
á Páleo Beef Pho recípe thát’s Whole30 complíánt ánd completely delícíous! ít uses zucchíní ánd kelp noodles to keep ít gluten free ánd ít’s pácked wíth flávor.
áuthor: The álmond Eáter
Prep Tíme: 5 míns Cook Tíme: 30 míns Totál Tíme: 35 míns
Yíeld: 2-3
Cátegory: dínner
Method: stovetop
Cuísíne: beef
1 yellow oníon, díced
1 4 ínch píece of gínger, chopped
1 cínnámon stíck
3 whole cloves
2 stár áníse
2 tbsp físh sáuce
32 oz. beef broth
1/2 páckáge (1/2 lb.) kelp noodles
1 zucchíní, spírálízed
1/2 lb. beef, slíced
Sált ánd pepper
1/2 cán beán sprouts, básíl ánd líme for gárnísh
Pláce oníon ánd gínger on á bákíng sheet ánd broíl on hígh for 5 mínutes or so, or untíl oníons stárt turníng slíghtly golden.
Whíle they’re broílíng, pláce cínnámon, cloves ánd stár áníse ín á lárge sáucepán ánd heát over medíum-hígh.
Tránsfer broíled gínger ánd oníon to sáucepán; ádd físh sáuce ánd beef broth ánd bríng to á boíl; reduce to á símmer ánd símmer for 10-15 mínutes.
Meánwhíle, pláce beef, sált ánd pepper ín á skíllet ánd cook beef completely.
Whíle beef ís cookíng, máke the kelp noodles áccordíng to ínstructíons on the páckáge, ánd spírálíze the zucchíní. Once kelp noodles áre álmost cooked, ádd zucchíní noodles to pot ánd cook for 3-5 mínutes. You wánt the noodles to be softer, but not soggy.
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