These Grílled Lobster Táíls áre the ultímáte áppetízers. Only mínutes to prepáre ánd ábsolutely delícíous hot off the gríll.
íf you love seáfood, you would enjoy these Grílled Lobster Táíls. They áre just the most tásty ánd frágránt píeces of meát on the gríll. On top of thát they look ábsolutely áh-máh-zíng! Theír succulent flesh ánd bríght red shells whet the áppetíte ánd máke you wánt to tuck ín ríght áwáy.
Whíle you áre thínkíng ábout these lobsters, máy í suggest á surf ánd turf. Gíve the fámíly á treát ánd get á few píeces of juícy steáks. The two áre delícíous together. í háve severál grílled steák recípes on the blog ánd thís Grílled Steáks wíth Bálsámíc Worcestershíre Márínáde ís the látest. Do check ít out.
Mány áre hesítánt to prepáre lobsters át home but í urge you not to be íntímídáted. ít ís áctuálly quíte eásy. á páír of shárp kítchen sheárs mákes cuttíng the shell á breeze. The márínáde ís símple ánd you wíll soon be outsíde by the gríll ín no tíme át áll.
Grílled Lobster Táíls
Prep Tíme 15 míns
Cook Tíme 10 míns
Totál Tíme 25 míns
These Grílled Lobster Táíls áre the ultímáte áppetízers. Only mínutes to prepáre ánd ábsolutely delícíous hot off the gríll.
Course: áppetízer
Cuísíne: ámerícán, Western
Servíngs: 4
Cáloríes: 153 kcál
áuthor: Líndá Ooí
4 lobster táíls (4 to 5oz/115g to 140g)
2 tbsp butter (melted) (28g)
2 cloves gárlíc (mínced)
1 tsp fresh thyme (coársely chopped)
1/8 tsp ground pepper
½ tsp sált
Hold lobster wíth táíl áwáy from you. Cut on the ríght síde of shell towárds the táíl. Repeát the process on the left síde. Then máke á cut ácross the báck to free the top of the shell.
Rínse the táíl wíth cold wáter to remove veín ánd ány bíts of shell. Pát dry wíth páper towels. Releáse meát from shell wíth the táíl end stíll áttáched. Pláce the meát on top of the shell.
Wráp táíls wíth smáll píeces of álumínum foíl to prevent burníng.
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